

单词 gentrifier

gentry /jenˈtri/

  1. The class of people next below the rank of nobility
  2. Nobility, aristocracy
  3. People of a particular, esp an inferior, sort (informal)
  4. Rank by birth (archaic)
  5. The rank of gentleman (archaic)
  6. Good manners and courtesy (Shakespeare)
ORIGIN: OFr genterise, gentelise, formed from adj gentil gentle

genˈtrice /-tris/ noun (archaic)

  1. Good birth
  2. Good breeding

gentrificāˈtion noun

  1. The movement of middle-class people into a formerly working-class area with the consequent change in the character of the area
  2. The modernizing of old, badly equipped property, usu with a view to increasing its value

genˈtrifier noun

genˈtrify transitive verb





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