

单词 general post

general /jenˈə-rəl/

  1. Relating to a genus or whole class
  2. Including various species
  3. Not special
  4. Not restricted or specialized
  5. Relating to the whole or to all or most
  6. Universal
  7. Nearly universal
  8. Common
  9. Prevalent
  10. Widespread
  11. Public
  12. Vague
  13. (after an official title, etc) chief, of highest rank, at the head of a department (as in director-general, postmaster-general)
  14. Socially accessible and familiar with all (obsolete)
adverb (Shakespeare)


  1. The universal as opposed to the particular
  2. An army officer between a field marshal and lieutenant-general in rank
  3. The head of a religious order, such as the Jesuits
  4. The chief commander of an army in service
  5. A person acting as leader, planning tactics or management
  6. The head of the Salvation Army
  7. A general servant (obsolete)
  8. The public, the vulgar (archaic and Shakespeare)
  9. The total (obsolete)
  10. The most part, majority (obsolete)
transitive verb (genˈeralling; genˈeralled)

To act as general of

ORIGIN: OFr, from L generālis, from genus

genˈeralate noun

  1. The office of a general
  2. The district or domain under the charge of a general

generālē (or /gen-er-äˈle/) noun (Latin)

General principles, esp in pl generāˈlia

generalissˈimo noun (pl generalissˈimos)

(Ital superl) supreme commander of a great or combined force

genˈeralist noun

A person or thing whose knowledge, activity, etc is not restricted to any particular field, opp to specialist

generalˈity noun

  1. A statement having general application
  2. The state of being general
  3. Broadness or vagueness
  4. The majority
  5. The general public

genˈeralīzable or genˈeralīsable adjective

generalīzāˈtion or generalīsāˈtion noun

genˈeralize or genˈeralise transitive verb

  1. To make general
  2. To include under a general term
  3. To reduce to a general form
  4. To comprehend as a particular case within a wider concept, proposition, definition, etc
  5. To represent or endow with the common characters of a group without the special characters of any one member
  6. To bring to general use or knowledge
  7. To infer inductively
intransitive verb
  1. To make general statements
  2. To form general concepts
  3. To depict general character
  4. To reason inductively

genˈerally adverb

  1. In a general or collective manner or sense
  2. In most cases
  3. On the whole

genˈeralship noun

  1. The position of a military commander
  2. The art of manipulating armies
  3. Tactical management and leadership

general anaesthetic see under anaesthesia

General Assembly see under assemble

General Certificate of Education noun

In secondary education in England and Wales, a certificate obtainable at Ordinary (formerly), Advanced, and Special levels for proficiency in one or more subjects

General Certificate of Secondary Education noun

In England and Wales, a certificate based on coursework as well as examinations, designed to suit a wide range of academic ability

general degree same as pass degree (see under pass).

general delivery noun (US)

Poste restante

general election noun

An election of all the members of a body (eg House of Commons, House of Representatives) at once

general epistles see under catholic

general journal noun (bookkeeping)

A book of initial entry for miscellaneous transactions

general ledger noun (bookkeeping)

  1. A book which contains nominal accounts
  2. The central database of a bookkeeping system (US)

general line noun

The party line

general meeting noun

A meeting of members of an organization whose decisions are legally binding

general officer noun (military)

An officer above the rank of colonel

general paralysis of the insane noun

General paresis (qv under paresis)

general post noun

  1. Formerly, dispatch of mail to all parts, as opposed to local twopenny or penny post
  2. The main daily delivery of letters
  3. A general change of positions, etc (from a parlour game)

general post office noun

  1. Formerly, an office receiving letters for the general post
  2. (now) the head post office of a town or district

general practice noun

The work of a general practitioner, a doctor who treats patients for most illnesses or complaints, referring other cases to specialists

general principle noun

A principle to which there are no exceptions within its range of application

genˈeral-purpose adjective

Generally useful, not restricted to a particular function

general reserve noun (accounting)

Profits which have been set aside for retention in the business but not for any specified purpose

general servant noun

A servant whose duties embrace domestic work of every kind

general staff noun

Military officers who advise senior officers on policy, administration, etc

General Synod see under synod

in general

  1. As a generalization
  2. Mostly, as a general rule

post3 /pōst/

  1. An officially established system for the conveyance and delivery of mail
  2. Letters and parcels delivered by this system, mail
  3. A collection or delivery of mail
  4. A post office, or post-office letter box
  5. An item published on the World Wide Web
  6. A messenger carrying letters by stages or otherwise (historical)
  7. A public letter-carrier (historical)
  8. A postman (obsolete or dialect)
  9. A mail-coach (historical)
  10. A packet-boat (obsolete)
  11. A posthorse (Shakespeare)
  12. A fixed place or stage on a road, for forwarding letters and change of horses (historical)
  13. A name often given to a newspaper
  14. Haste (Shakespeare)
  15. A size of writing paper, double that of common notepaper (orig with watermark, a post horn)
transitive verb
  1. To put into a letter box, or hand over at a post office, for conveyance and delivery
  2. To enter in a ledger, or (with up) update (a ledger), or transfer to another book or account (bookkeeping)
  3. To supply with news or the latest information
  4. To publish on the World Wide Web
  5. To shift or transfer (eg blame) to another (with over or off; Shakespeare)
intransitive verb
  1. To travel with posthorses or with speed
  2. To move up and down in the saddle, in time with the horse's movements
  1. With posthorses
  2. With speed
ORIGIN: Fr poste, from Ital posta, from L posita, from pōnere, positum to place

postˈer noun

  1. Someone who travels post (Shakespeare)
  2. A posthorse (historical)
  3. The person who posts a letter
  4. See also poster1

postˈie noun (Scot and Aust informal)

A postman

postˈing noun and adjective

postˈbag noun

  1. A mailbag
  2. A term used collectively for letters received

postˈbox noun

A letter box

post boy noun (historical)

  1. A boy who rides posthorses or who carries letters
  2. A postilion

postˈbus noun

A small bus used for delivering mail and for conveying passengers, esp in rural areas

postˈcard noun

  1. A card for writing messages on, often with a picture on one side, designed for sending through the post without an envelope
  2. Such a card not issued by the post office, as distinct from a postal card (qv under postal) (US)

transitive verb

To send a postcard to

post chaise (popularly po’ˈchay, poˈchay and po’ˈchaise) noun (historical)

A carriage, usu four-wheeled, for two or four passengers, with a postilion, used in travelling with posthorses

post-chaiseˈ intransitive verb

To travel by post chaise

postˈcode noun

A code, often a combination of letters and numbers, specific to a particular section of housing, added to addresses to ease the task of sorting mail for delivery

transitive verb

To provide with or affix a postcode

postcode lottery noun (informal)

A situation in which the provision of services such as medical treatment or education, rather than being uniform everywhere, varies in quality according to where people live

post day noun

The day on which the post or mail arrives or departs

post-freeˈ adjective and adverb

  1. Without charge for postage
  2. With postage prepaid

posthasteˈ noun

(from the old direction on letters, haste, post, haste) haste in travelling like that of a post


  1. Speedy
  2. Immediate


With utmost haste or speed

post horn noun

  1. A postman's horn
  2. A long straight brass horn blown by a coach guard

postˈhorse noun

A horse kept for posting

postˈhouse noun

  1. An inn, orig where horses were kept for posting
  2. A post office

post letter noun

A letter in the custody of the post office

postˈman noun

  1. A man who delivers mail
  2. A post or courier (historical)

postman's knock noun

A party game in which players take turns to pretend to deliver a letter, and get a kiss from the ‘recipient’

postˈmark noun

The mark stamped upon an item of mail at a post office defacing the postage stamp or showing the date and place of despatch or of arrival

transitive verb

To mark an item of mail in this way

postˈmaster noun

  1. A person in charge of a local post office
  2. Someone who supplies posthorses (historical)
  3. (with cap) a portionist or scholar on the foundation of Merton College, Oxford

postmaster general noun

  1. The minister at the head of a country's postal services
  2. (with caps) this post in the UK, abolished in 1969

postˈmastership noun

postˈmistress noun

A woman in charge of a local post office

post office noun

  1. An office for receiving and transmitting letters by post, and other business
  2. (with caps) a government department or national authority in charge of the conveyance of letters, etc in various countries

post-office box noun

One of a series of private numbered boxes or locations in a post office, where mail is kept until called for by the addressee

Post Office Savings Bank noun

The older name of the National Savings Bank

postˈ-paidˈ adjective

Having the postage prepaid

postˈperson noun

A postman or postwoman

postˈrider noun (historical)

The rider of a posthorse

post road noun (historical)

A road with stations for posthorses

post time noun

The time for the despatch or for the delivery of letters

post town, post village noun

A town or village with a post office

postˈwoman noun

A woman who delivers mail

general post

A game in which the players change places simultaneously

keep posted (informal)

To supply with the latest news





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