

单词 attestative

attest /ə-testˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To testify or bear witness to
  2. To affirm by signature or oath
  3. To give proof of, to manifest
  4. To call to witness (obsolete)
transitive verb and intransitive verb (old)

To enrol for military service

intransitive verb

To bear witness (to)

noun (Shakespeare)

Witness, testimony

ORIGIN: L attestārī, from ad to, and testis a witness

attestˈable adjective

attestāˈtion /at-/ noun

  1. An act of attesting
  2. Administration of an oath

attestˈative adjective

attestˈed adjective

  1. Vouched for
  2. Certified free from disease, specif the tubercle bacillus

attestˈer or attestˈor noun





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