

单词 stone crab

king /king/

  1. A male hereditary chief ruler or titular head of a nation
  2. A male monarch
  3. A queen bee (obsolete)
  4. A playing card having the picture of a king
  5. In chess, either of two pieces, the most important pieces on each side, usu with a top in the shape of a crown, that can move one square at a time in any direction
  6. In draughts, a piece that has been crowned
  7. A man or other male animal who is pre-eminent among his fellows. Cf queen
transitive verb
  1. To make king
  2. To provide with a king (obsolete)
combining form

Denoting most important

ORIGIN: OE cyning, from cynn a tribe, with sfx -ing; cf ety of kin1

kingˈdom noun

  1. The state or attributes of a king
  2. A monarchical state
  3. A region that was once a monarchical state
  4. The spiritual sovereignty of God
  5. One of the three major divisions of natural history (animal, vegetable, mineral)
  6. Any of the higher taxonomic ranks, each composed of a number of plant divisions, or animal phyla
  7. An area in which a specified quality or attribute is paramount

kingˈdomed adjective (Shakespeare)

Provided with or constituted like a kingdom

kingˈdomless adjective

kingˈhood noun

  1. Kingship
  2. Kingliness

kingˈless adjective

kingˈlet noun

Either of two species of N American bird of the genus Regulus, allied to the goldcrest and firecrest

kingˈlihood noun

kingˈlike adjective

kingˈliness noun

kingˈling noun

A petty king

kingˈly adjective

  1. Belonging or suitable to a king
  2. Royal
  3. Kinglike

In the manner of a king

Kings noun

The title of two historical books of the Old Testament

kingˈship noun

The state, office or dignity of a king

kingˈ-apple noun

A large red variety of apple

kingˈ-archon noun

The second of the nine archons in Athens, successor to the abolished kings in religious functions

kingˈbird noun

An American flycatcher

kingˈbolt or kingˈ-rod noun

  1. A metal rod in a roof connecting the tie-beam and the ridge
  2. A kingpin in a mechanical structure

King Charles's head noun

A matter that persists in obtruding itself as did King Charles's head in the thoughts of Mr Dick in Dickens's David Copperfield

King Charles spaniel see under spaniel

king cobra noun

A large Asiatic species of cobra

king crab noun

  1. Any of several large decapods valued as a food (also stone crab)
  2. Same as horseshoe crab (see under horse)

kingˈcraft noun (obsolete)

The art of governing

kingˈ-crow noun

A kind of drongo

kingˈcup noun

  1. The buttercup
  2. The marsh-marigold

kingdom come noun (informal)

  1. The state after death
  2. Some inconceivably far-off time

King Edward noun

A popular English variety of potato

kingˈfish noun

  1. The opah
  2. Any of various fish notable for their size or value (N American and Aust)

kingˈfisher noun

  1. A European fish-eating bird with very brilliant blue-green and chestnut plumage, formerly known as the halcyon
  2. Any bird of the same family, most species of which are not fish-eating
  3. A brilliant blue colour (also adjective)

kingˈ-hit noun (Aust sl)

A knockout blow (also transitive verb)

King James Bible or King James Version noun

The Authorized Version

kingˈklip noun (S Afr)

Any of several marine food-fishes

King Log noun

A do-nothing king, as opposed to King Stork, one who devours his frog-subjects (from Aesop's fable)

kingˈmaker noun

A person who has the power to create kings or other high officials

king mob noun

The vulgar multitude

king-of-armsˈ (sometimes king-at-armsˈ) noun

A principal herald (those of England having the designations Garter, Clarencieux, and Norroy and Ulster (includes N Ireland), of Scotland, Lyon)

king of beasts noun

The lion

king of birds noun

The eagle

king of kings noun

  1. A powerful monarch with other monarchs subject to him
  2. (with caps) God, Christ

king of metals noun


king of terrors noun


king of the castle noun

(orig from a children's game) the most important, powerful person in a group

king of the forest noun

The oak

king of the herrings noun

  1. The shad
  2. The oarfish
  3. Applied also to various other fishes, such as the opah, the rabbitfish or chimera

king pair noun (cricket)

An instance of getting out to one's first ball in both innings of a match

king penguin noun

A large penguin, smaller than the emperor

kingˈpin noun

  1. A tall pin, or one prominently placed
  2. A pin on which an axle swivels, like that on a motor vehicle's front wheel
  3. The most important person of a group engaged in an undertaking
  4. The key issue

kingˈpost noun

A perpendicular beam in the frame of a roof rising from the tie-beam to the ridge

king prawn noun

A large prawn, esp of the genus Penaeus, found around Australia

king salmon noun

The largest Pacific salmon, the quinnat

King's Bench see Queen's Bench under queen

king's bounty see under bounty

king'sˈ-chair or king's-cushˈion noun

A seat formed by two people clasping wrists

King's Counsel see Queen's Counsel under queen

king's English or queen's English noun

Correct standard speech

king's evil noun

A scrofulous disease formerly supposed to be healed by the touch of the monarch

King's Guide see Queen's Guide under queen

king's highway noun

The public thoroughfare

king'sˈ-hood noun

The second stomach of a ruminant, sometimes humorously for the human stomach

king'side noun

In chess, the side of the board where the king stands at the beginning of play

kingˈ-size or kingˈ-sized adjective

Of large or larger-than-standard size

king'sˈ-man noun

  1. A royalist
  2. A custom-house officer

king snake noun

Any non-venomous N American snake of the genus Lampropeltis, which feeds on small animals and other snakes

king's peace (or queen's peace) noun

  1. Orig the peace secured by the sovereign for certain people (eg those employed on the king's or queen's business)
  2. The peace of the kingdom generally

King's Proctor (or Queen's Proctor) noun

A legal officer chiefly concerned with establishing collusion in divorce cases

King's Regulations see Queen's Regulations under queen

King's Scout see Queen's Scout under queen

king'sˈ-spear noun

An asphodel

King's Speech see Queen's Speech under queen

King Stork see King Log above.

king's-yellˈow noun

Orpiment as a pigment

king-vulˈture noun

A large brilliantly-coloured tropical American vulture

kingˈwood noun

  1. A beautiful Brazilian wood also called violet-wood
  2. The papilionaceous tree yielding it, a species of Dalbergia

king it

To play king, act as superior to, or in authority over, others

take the king's shilling see under shilling

three kings of Cologne

The three Wise Men of the East, Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar

turn King's evidence see under evident

stone /stōn/

  1. A detached piece of rock, usu small
  2. The matter of which rocks consist
  3. A gem
  4. A shaped piece of stone designed for a particular purpose
  5. A mirror (Shakespeare)
  6. A concretion, esp in a bodily organ or vessel such as the kidney
  7. A diseased state characterized by formation of a concretion in the body
  8. A testicle (slang, now rare)
  9. A hard fruit-kernel
  10. The hard seed of any of several fruits
  11. The colour of stone, usu a dull, light brownish-grey
  12. (with pl usustone) a standard weight of 14lb avoirdupois (other stones have been in use, as that of 24lb for wool, 22lb for hay, 16lb for cheese, etc)
  13. A tombstone
  14. A hailstone
  15. A curling-stone (qv under curl)
  16. A printer's table for imposing (obsolete)
  1. Of stone
  2. Of the colour of stone
  3. Of stoneware
  4. Of the Stone Age
  5. (of an animal) not castrated (rare)
transitive verb
  1. To pelt with stones
  2. To remove stones from (fruit)
  3. To lay or wall with stones
  4. To rub or sharpen with a stone
  5. To turn to stone (Shakespeare)
intransitive verb

To form a stone

ORIGIN: OE stān; Ger Stein, Du steen

stoned adjective

  1. Having or containing a stone or stones
  2. With the stone or stones removed
  3. Very drunk, or very high on drugs (slang)

stoneˈless adjective

stonˈen or stonˈern adjective (obsolete or dialect)

Of stone

stonˈer noun

  1. A person who stones
  2. A person who habitually takes drugs, esp cannabis (informal)
  3. Used in combination to denote a person who weighs, or a horse that carries, so many stone

stonˈily adverb

stonˈiness noun

stonˈing noun

stonˈy adjective

  1. Of or like stone
  2. Abounding with stones
  3. Hard
  4. Pitiless
  5. Obdurate
  6. Rigid
  7. Petrifying
  8. Stony-broke

Stone Age noun

A stage of culture before the general use of metal, divided into the Old (Palaeolithic), Middle (Mesolithic) and the New Stone Age (Neolithic)

Stoneˈ-Age or stoneˈ-age adjective (often figurative).

stone axe noun

  1. An axe made of stone
  2. A two-edged axe for cutting stone

stone bass /bas/ noun

A large marine perch (Polyprion americanus) of the Atlantic, Mediterranean and Tasman Sea, reputed to frequent wrecked ships (also called wreck fish)

stoneˈ-blind adjective

Completely blind

stoneˈboat noun (N American)

A low sled for carrying rocks or other heavy objects

stone boiling noun

A primitive method of boiling water by putting hot stones in it

stoneˈborer or stoneˈ-eater noun

Any boring mollusc

stone bramble noun

A bramble (Rubus saxatilis) of rocky places

stoneˈbrash noun

A soil of finely broken rock

stoneˈbreak noun

Another name for saxifrage

stoneˈ-breaker noun

  1. A person who or thing that breaks stones
  2. A stone-crushing machine

stone-broke see stony-broke below.

stone canal noun

A calcified vertical tube in the water-vascular system of echinoderms

stoneˈcast or stone'sˈ-cast noun

A stone('s) throw

stone cell noun (botany)

A cell not much longer than it is broad, with thick lignified walls

stoneˈchat noun

A small European songbird (Saxicola torquata) of gorse heathland, with a call resembling the sound of two stones being banged together

stone circle noun

A circle of prehistoric standing stones

stone coal noun

  1. Mineral coal, as opposed to charcoal
  2. Any hard coal
  3. Anthracite

stone-coldˈ adjective

Cold as a stone (stone-cold sober completely free of (esp alcohol-induced) excitement or passion, utterly sober)

stoneˈ-colour noun and adjective

Light brownish-grey

stoneˈ-coloured adjective

stone crab see king crab under king

stoneˈ-crazy or stoneˈ-mad adjective

Completely crazy or mad

stoneˈcrop noun

  1. Any plant of the crassulaceous genus Sedum
  2. Any similar plant that grows on rocks and walls

stone curlew noun

A large ploverlike wading bird (Burhinus oedicnemus), that habitually nests on stony ground (also called thick knee)

stoneˈcutter noun

  1. A person who hews stone
  2. A machine for dressing stone

stoneˈcutting noun

stoneˈ-dead adjective

  1. Dead as a stone, completely lifeless
  2. (of a golf ball) so close to the hole as to make a putt a mere formality

stoneˈ-deaf adjective

Completely deaf

stone dresser noun

A person who prepares stones for building, a stonemason

stone-eater see stoneborer above.

stone-facedˈ or stony-facedˈ adjective

Revealing no emotion

stone falcon or stone hawk noun

The merlin, from its habit of using a stony outcrop as a ‘plucking-post’

stoneˈfish noun

Any poisonous tropical scorpaenid fish of the family Synanceiidae, which resembles a stone on the seabed

stoneˈfly noun

A plecopterous insect (Perla) whose larvae live under stones in streams

stone fruit noun

Any fruit with a stone, a drupe

stoneˈground adjective

(of flour) ground between millstones

stone hammer noun

  1. A hammer for breaking stones
  2. A hammer with a stone head

stoneˈhand noun (printing)

An imposer, a person who sets the type in the chase

stoneˈ-hard adjective (Shakespeare)

As hard as a stone

stone hawk see stone falcon above.

stoneˈhorse noun (rare)

A stallion

stone-lilˈy noun

A fossil crinoid

stone loach noun

A scaleless, bottom-living fish, Noemacheilus barbatulus, of European rivers, and sometimes lakes

stone-mad see stone-crazy above.

stone marten noun

  1. A white-breasted marten (Martes foina) of European woodland (also called beech marten)
  2. Its highly valued fur

stoneˈmason noun

A mason who works with stone

stoneˈmasonry noun

stone parsley noun

An umbelliferous plant (Sison amomum) similar to parsley, with aromatic seeds

stone pine noun

A Mediterranean pine (Pinus pinea) with umbrella-shaped branches and edible seeds or nuts

stone pit noun

A quarry

stone plover noun

Another name for the stone curlew

stoneˈrag or stoneˈraw noun

(OE ragu lichen) a lichen (Parmelia saxatilis) yielding a dye

stone saw noun

A toothless saw for cutting stone

stone's-cast see stonecast above.

stoneˈshot noun

  1. A stone's-throw
  2. Stones or a stone used as shot

stone snipe noun

A N American plover, Totanus melanoleucus

stone'sˈ-throw noun

The distance a stone may be thrown, hence, a fairly short distance

stoneˈ-still adverb and adjective (Shakespeare)

As still as a stone

stonewallˈ intransitive verb

To hold up progress, (in parliament) by obstructing discussion, (in cricket) by batting extremely defensively

transitive verb

To delay (a bill in parliament) by stonewalling

stonewallˈer noun

stonewallˈing noun

stoneˈware noun

  1. A coarse kind of pottery baked hard and glazed
  2. A high-fired, vitrified, non-porous ceramic material or objects made of it

stoneˈwashed adjective

(of new clothes) given an old faded appearance using small pieces of pumice

stoneˈwork noun

Work in (usu dressed) stone

stoneˈwort noun

  1. Any plant of the Characeae (from the limy crust)
  2. Stone parsley

stony-brokeˈ adjective (slang)

Penniless, or nearly so (also stonˈy, stone-brokeˈ)

stony coral noun

Any variety of coral that forms reefs

stony-faced see stone-faced above.

stony-heartˈed adjective


stonˈy-iron meteorite noun

One containing both metal and stony material

leave no stone unturned

To do everything that can be done in order to secure the effect desired

mark with a white stone

To mark as particularly fortunate

set in stone

(as if) engraved on stone and hence fixed and unalterable

stone me! and stone the crows! (slang)

Expressions of astonishment





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