

单词 friction tapes

friction /frikˈshən/

  1. Rubbing
  2. A resisting force met by one body moving against the surface of another
  3. Disagreement or jarring
ORIGIN: L fricāre, frictum to rub

fricˈtional adjective

fricˈtionless adjective

friction tape noun (N American)

Insulating tape (usu the cloth variety)

friction welding noun

Welding in which the necessary heat is produced by means of friction, eg by rotating one part and forcing the parts together

insulate /inˈsū-lāt/

transitive verb
  1. To cut off from connection or communication
  2. To prevent the passing of heat, sound, electricity, etc from (a body, area, etc) to another
  3. To place in a detached situation
ORIGIN: L insulātus made into an island, from insula island

insūlāˈtion noun

  1. Material which insulates or is a non-conductor of electricity
  2. The process of insulating

inˈsūlātor noun

  1. Someone who, or that which, insulates
  2. A non-conductor of electricity
  3. A device for insulating a conductor
  4. A stand for a piano leg

insulating board noun (building)

Fibreboard of low density to reduce heat loss and give a degree of soundproofing

insulating tape noun (also (N American) friction tape)

A usu adhesive tape made from, or impregnated with, water-resistant insulating material, used for covering joins in electrical wires, etc





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