

单词 leaseholds

lease1 /lēs/

  1. A contract letting or renting a house, farm, etc for a term
  2. Tenure or rights under such a contract
  3. The duration of such tenure
  4. A hold upon, or prospect of continuance of, life, enjoyment, health, etc
transitive verb

To grant or take under lease

ORIGIN: Fr laisser to leave, from L laxāre to loosen, laxus loose

leasˈable adjective

leasˈer noun

A lessee

leaseˈback noun

An arrangement whereby the buyer of a property leases it back to the seller (also called sale and leaseback)

leaseˈhold noun

  1. Land or property held by the occupier under a lease
  2. A tenure by lease


Held by lease

leaseˈholder noun

leaseˈ-lend same as lend-lease (see under lend).

a new lease of life

Renewed strength or liveliness





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