

单词 forepast

fore- /fōr-, för-/

  1. Before or beforehand
  2. In front
ORIGIN: OE fore; Ger vor

fore-admonˈish transitive verb

To admonish beforehand

fore-adviseˈ transitive verb

To advise beforehand

foreˈarm noun

The part of the arm between the elbow and the wrist

forearmˈ transitive verb

To arm or prepare beforehand

forebear or forbear /fōrˈbār or förˈ/ noun (orig Scot)

An ancestor (from be and -er1)

forebodeˈ transitive verb

  1. To predict or foretell
  2. To have a premonition of (esp of evil)

forebodeˈment noun

A feeling of coming evil

forebodˈer noun

forebodˈing noun

  1. A perception beforehand
  2. Apprehension of coming evil

forebodˈingly adverb

foreˈ-body noun (nautical)

The part in front of the mainmast

foreˈ-brace noun

A rope attached to the fore yardarm, for changing the position of the foresail

foreˈbrain noun

The front part of the brain, the prosencephalon

forebyˈ preposition (Spenser)

Same as forby

foreˈcabin noun

A cabin in a ship's forepart

foreˈcaddy noun (golf)

A caddy posted up ahead so as to see where the balls go

foreˈcar noun

A small car carrying a passenger in front of a motorcycle

foreˈcarriage noun

The front part of a carriage, with an arrangement for independent movement of the fore-wheels

foreˈcast transitive verb (pat and pap foreˈcast (sometimes foreˈcasted))

  1. To assess or calculate beforehand
  2. To foresee
  3. To predict
intransitive verb

To devise beforehand

  1. A previous calculation
  2. Foresight
  3. A prediction
  4. A weather forecast (see under weather)

foreˈcaster noun

forecastle or fo'c'sle /fōkˈsl or sometimes fōrˈkäs-l or förˈ/ noun

  1. A short raised deck at the fore-end of a ship
  2. The forepart of a ship under the maindeck, the quarters of the crew

foreˈcheck noun

(in ice hockey) a check made to an opponent in his or her own defensive area

forechosˈen adjective

Chosen beforehand

fore-ciˈted adjective

Quoted before or above

foreˈcloth noun

A cloth that hangs over the front of an altar, an antependium

foreˈcourse noun

A foresail

foreˈcourt noun

  1. A court in front of a building
  2. An outer court
  3. The front area of a garage or filling station, where the petrol pumps are situated
  4. The part of a tennis court between the net and the service line

foredateˈ transitive verb

To mark (eg a cheque) with a date earlier than the true date

foreˈ-day noun (Scot)


foreˈdeck noun

The forepart of a deck or ship

foredoomˈ transitive verb

To doom beforehand

foreˈ-edge noun

The outer edge of a book, furthest from the spine, placed outward in a medieval library

foreˈ-end noun

The early or fore part of anything

foreˈfather noun

An ancestor

forefeelˈ transitive verb

To feel beforehand

forefeelˈingly adverb

forefeltˈ adjective

foreˈfinger noun

The finger next to the thumb

foreˈfoot noun (pl foreˈfeet)

  1. Either of the front feet of a quadruped (zoology)
  2. The foremost end of the keel, where the stem is found (nautical)

foreˈfront noun

The front or foremost part

foreˈgleam noun (literary)

A glimpse into the future

foregoˈ transitive verb and intransitive verb (prp foregōˈing (or /fōrˈ or förˈ/); pat (rare; formerly also pap) forewentˈ; pap foregoneˈ (or /fōrˈ or förˈ/))

To go before or precede (see also forgo)

foregōˈer /fōrˈ or förˈ/ noun

foregoˈing noun

foreˈgone adjective

(foregone conclusion a conclusion come to before examination of the evidence; an obvious or inevitable conclusion or result)

foregoneˈness noun

foreˈground noun

The part of a picture or field of view nearest the observer's eye (cf background) (also figurative)

transitive verb (orig US; figurative)

To spotlight or emphasize

foreˈgut noun

The front section of the digestive tract of an embryo or of an invertebrate animal, from which the forepart of the alimentary canal develops

foreˈ-hammer noun

A sledgehammer

foreˈhand noun

  1. The upper hand, advantage or preference
  2. The part of a horse that is in front of its rider
  3. The front position or its occupant (tennis)
  4. The part of the court to the right of a right-handed player or to the left of a left-handed player (tennis)
  5. A stroke played forehand (tennis)
  1. Done beforehand
  2. Anticipating or of anticipation (Shakespeare)
  3. With the palm in front, opp to backhand (sport)
  4. (of an arrow) for shooting point-blank (Shakespeare)

With the hand in the forehand position

foreˈhanded adjective

  1. Done beforehand, as payment for goods before delivery, or for services before rendered
  2. Seasonable
  3. Planning ahead, with thought or provision for the future (US)
  4. Well-off (US)
  5. Forehand (US; tennis)
  6. (of a horse, etc) shapely in the foreparts

forehead /forˈid, -ed, förˈhed or fōrˈhed/ noun

  1. The front of the head above the eyes, the brow
  2. Confidence or audacity (obsolete)

foreˈhock noun

A cut of bacon or pork from the foreleg

foreˈ-horse noun

The foremost horse of a team

forejudgeˈ transitive verb

To judge before hearing the facts and proof (see also forjudge)

forejudgˈement or forejudgˈment noun

foreˈking noun (Tennyson)

A preceding king

foreknowˈ /fōr- or för-/ transitive verb

  1. To know beforehand
  2. To foresee

foreknowˈable adjective

foreknowˈing adjective

foreknowˈingly adverb

foreknowledge /-nolˈij/ noun

foreknownˈ adjective

foreˈland noun

  1. A point of land running forward into the sea, a headland
  2. A front region

forelayˈ transitive verb

  1. To devise or plan beforehand
  2. To wait for in ambush
  3. To hinder
  4. Pat of forelie

foreˈleg noun

A front leg

forelendˈ or forlendˈ transitive verb (pat and pap (Spenser) forelentˈ or forlentˈ) (archaic)

To grant or resign beforehand

forelieˈ transitive verb (pat forelayˈ) (Spenser)

To lie in front of

foreliftˈ transitive verb (Spenser)

To raise in front

foreˈlimb noun

foreˈlock noun

  1. The lock of hair on the forehead (pull the forelock, touch the forelock or tug the forelock to raise one's hand to the forehead in sign of respect, subservience, etc; take time by the forelock (literary) to seize an opportunity quickly)
  2. A cotter-pin

foreˈman noun (pl foreˈmen)

  1. The first or chief man, one appointed to supervise, or act as spokesman for, others
  2. An overseer

foreˈmast noun

The mast that is forward, or nearest to the bow of a ship

foreˈmastman noun

Any sailor below the rank of petty officer

foremeanˈ transitive verb (archaic)

To intend beforehand

foreˈmenˈtioned adjective

Mentioned before in writing or speech

foreˈmother noun

A female ancestor

foreˈname noun

The first or Christian name

foreˈnamed adjective

Mentioned before

foreˈnight noun (Scot)

The early part of the night before bedtime, the evening

forenoon /fōr-noonˈ, för-, fōrˈnoon or förˈ/ noun (chiefly Scot and Irish)

  1. The morning
  2. The part of the day before midday, as opposed to early morning
adjective /fōrˈ or förˈ/

Relating to this time

foreˈ-notice noun

Notice of anything in advance of the time

foreordainˈ transitive verb

  1. To arrange or determine beforehand
  2. To predestine

foreordināˈtion noun

foreˈpart noun

  1. The front
  2. The early part

foreˈpast adjective (obsolete)


foreˈpaw noun

A front paw

foreˈpayment noun

Payment beforehand

foreˈpeak noun

The narrow part of a ship's hold, close to the bow

foreˈperson noun

  1. A chief person
  2. A supervisor
  3. A spokesperson
  4. An overseer

foreplanˈ transitive verb

To plan beforehand

foreˈplay noun

Sexual stimulation before intercourse

forepointˈ transitive verb

To foreshadow

foreˈquarter noun

  1. The front portion of a side of meat, incl the leg
  2. (in pl; of an animal, esp a horse) the forelegs and shoulders, and the body areas adjoining them

fore-quoˈted adjective

Quoted or cited before

foreranˈ transitive verb pat of forerun

foreˈ-rank noun

The front rank

forereachˈ intransitive verb (nautical)

To glide ahead, esp when going in stays (with on)

transitive verb

To sail beyond

forereadˈ transitive verb (pat foreread /-redˈ/)

To foretell

foreˈreading noun

fore-reciˈted adjective (Shakespeare)

Recited or named before

forerunˈ transitive verb

  1. To run or come before
  2. To precede

foreˈrunner noun

  1. A person or thing coming before another, a precursor
  2. A forewarning or omen
  3. Orig a runner or messenger sent before

foreˈsaid adjective

Already mentioned (see also foresay below)

foresail /fōrˈsl, förˈ or -sāl/ noun

  1. The chief and lowest square sail on the foremast
  2. A triangular sail on the forestay

foresayˈ transitive verb

  1. To predict or foretell
  2. To ordain (Shakespeare)
  3. See also forsay

foreseeˈ transitive verb and intransitive verb (pat foresawˈ; pap foreseenˈ)

To see or know beforehand

foreseeabilˈity noun

foreseeˈable adjective

foreseeˈing adjective

foreseeˈingly adverb

foreshadˈow transitive verb

  1. To give, or have, some indication of in advance
  2. To shadow or typify beforehand

foreshadˈowing noun

foreˈsheet noun

  1. A rope attached to a corner of a foresail
  2. (in pl) the part of a boat nearest the bow

foreshew transitive verb see foreshow below

foreˈship noun

The forepart of a ship

foreˈshock noun

An earth tremor preceding an earthquake

foreˈshore noun

The space between high and low water marks

foreshortˈen transitive verb

  1. To draw or cause to appear as if shortened, by perspective
  2. To make shorter

foreshortˈening noun

foreshow or foreshew /fōr-shōˈ or för-/ transitive verb (pat foreshowed or foreshewedˈ /-shōdˈ/; pap foreshown or foreshewn /-shōnˈ/, also (Spenser) foreshewedˈ) (archaic)

  1. To show or represent beforehand
  2. To predict

foreˈside noun

  1. The front side
  2. Outward appearance (Spenser)

foreˈsight noun

  1. The act or power of foreseeing
  2. Wise forethought or prudence
  3. The sight on the muzzle of a gun
  4. A forward reading on a graduated levelling staff (surveying)

foreˈsighted adjective

foreˈsightful adjective

foreˈsightless adjective

foresigˈnify transitive verb (archaic)

  1. To give a sign of beforehand
  2. To foreshow
  3. To typify

foreˈskin noun

The retractable skin that covers the glans penis, the prepuce

foreˈskirt noun (Shakespeare)

The loose front part of a coat

forespeakˈ transitive verb

  1. To predict
  2. To engage beforehand (Scot)
  3. See also forspeak

forespendˈ transitive verb (pat forespentˈ)

To spend beforehand (see also forspend)

fore-spurrˈer noun (Shakespeare)

A person who rides in advance

foreˈstair noun (Scot)

An outside stair at the front of a house

forestall /fōr-stölˈ or för-/ transitive verb

  1. (OE foresteall ambush, literally, a place taken beforehand, from steall a stand or station) orig to buy up before reaching the market, so as to sell again at higher prices
  2. To anticipate
  3. To hinder by anticipating
  4. To bar

forestallˈer noun

forestallˈing or forestalˈment noun

foreˈstay noun

A rope reaching from the foremast-head to the bowsprit-end to support the mast

foreˈtaste noun

  1. A taste before buying, etc
  2. A brief encounter with or exposure to something to be experienced, presented, etc in full at a later time
  3. Anticipation

foretasteˈ transitive verb

  1. To taste before possession
  2. To anticipate
  3. To taste before another

foreteachˈ transitive verb (pap and pat foretaughtˈ) (archaic)

To teach beforehand

foretellˈ transitive verb (pap and pat foretoldˈ)

  1. To tell before
  2. To prophesy
intransitive verb

To utter prophecy

foretellˈer noun

forethinkˈ transitive verb (pap and pat forethoughtˈ)

  1. To anticipate in the mind
  2. To have foreknowledge of

forethinkˈer noun

foreˈthought noun

  1. Thought or care for the future
  2. Anticipation
  3. Thinking beforehand

forethoughtˈful adjective

foreˈtime noun

Past time

foreˈtoken noun

A token or sign beforehand

foretōˈken transitive verb

To signify beforehand

foretōˈkening noun and adjective

foreˈtooth noun (pl foreˈteeth)

A tooth in the forepart of the mouth

foreˈtop noun

  1. The platform at the head of the foremast (nautical)
  2. The forepart of the crown of the head (obsolete)
  3. A lock of hair (usu upright) over the forehead
  4. An appendage to a shoe (obsolete)

foretopˈmast noun

The mast erected at the head of the foremast, at the top of which is the foreˈtop-gallant-mast

forevouchedˈ adjective (Shakespeare)

Affirmed or told before

foreˈward noun (archaic)

  1. An advance guard
  2. The front (Shakespeare)

forewarnˈ transitive verb

  1. To warn beforehand
  2. To give previous notice
  3. See also forwarn

forewarnˈing noun

foreweighˈ transitive verb (archaic)

To estimate beforehand

forewentˈ pat (Spenser also pap) of forego above (see also forgo)

foreˈ-wheel noun

Either of the pair of front wheels of a wheeled vehicle

foreˈwind noun

A favourable wind

foreˈwing noun

Either of an insect's front pair of wings

foreˈwoman noun (pl foreˈwomen)

A woman overseer, a headwoman or a spokeswoman for a group (eg for a jury)

foreˈword noun

A preface

foreˈyard noun

The lowest yard on a foremast





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