

单词 Foreign Legion

legion /lēˈjən/

  1. In ancient Rome, a body of three to six thousand soldiers
  2. A military force, applied esp to several in French history
  3. A very great number


ORIGIN: L legiō, -ōnis, from legere to levy

leˈgionary adjective

  1. Of, relating to, or consisting of, a legion or legions
  2. Containing a great number

A member of a legion

leˈgioned adjective

Set out in legions

legionell'a noun (pl legionell'as or legionell'ae /-ē/)

  1. A genus of bacteria that can cause respiratory diseases
  2. A disease caused by such bacteria (also called legionellō'sis; see also legionnaire's disease below)

lēgionnaire /-nārˈ/ (Fr légionnaire) noun

A member of the British, Foreign, etc Legion

legionnaire's disease or legionnaires' disease noun

A severe, sometimes fatal, pneumonia-like disease caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophilia (so named after an outbreak of the disease at an American Legion convention in Philadelphia in 1976)

Legion of Honour noun

A French order instituted in 1802 by Napoleon I

American Legion

An association of US war veterans

British Legion

(in full Royal British Legion) an ex-servicemen's and -women's association

Foreign Legion

A legion composed of foreigners, esp that in the French Army organized in 1831

their name is Legion

They are too many to number (from Bible, Mark 5.9)

Thundering Legion

In Christian tradition, a body of soldiers under Marcus Aurelius, whose prayers brought down a thunderstorm and destroyed the enemy

foreign /forˈin/

  1. Belonging to another country
  2. From abroad
  3. Relating to, characteristic of or situated in another country
  4. Alien
  5. Extraneous
  6. Not belonging
  7. Unconnected
  8. Not appropriate
ORIGIN: OFr forain, from LL forāneus, from L forās out of doors

forˈeigner noun

  1. A person belonging to, or from, another country
  2. A stranger or outsider
  3. A job done privately by an employee without the employer's knowledge (informal)

forˈeignism noun

A mannerism, turn of phrase, etc, typical of a foreigner

forˈeignness noun

  1. The quality of being foreign
  2. Lack of relation to something
  3. Remoteness

foreign aid noun

Financial or other aid given by richer to poorer countries

foreign bill or foreign draft noun

A bill or draft payable in a different country, state, etc from that in which it was drawn

foreign-builtˈ adjective

Built in a foreign country

foreign correspondent noun

A newspaper correspondent working in a foreign country in order to report its news, etc

foreign exchange noun

(the exchange, conversion, etc of) foreign currencies

foreign legion noun

  1. An army unit consisting of foreigners
  2. (with caps) a French army unit, consisting of soldiers of all nationalities, serving outside France

Foreign Office noun

The British government department dealing with foreign affairs (now officially Foreign and Commonwealth Office)





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