单词 | approved schools |
释义 | approve1 /ə-proovˈ/transitive verb
To judge favourably, to be pleased (with of) ORIGIN: OFr aprover, from L approbāre, from ad to, and probāre to test or try, from probus good approvˈable adjective Deserving approval approvˈal or (archaic) approvˈance noun
approvˈer noun
approvˈing adjective approvˈingly adverb approved school noun (between 1933 (Scotland 1937) and 1969) a state boarding school for young people who had broken the law or who were pronounced to be in need of care and protection seal (or stamp) of approval Formal commendation or ratification on approval (or informal on appro /apˈrō/)
list1 /list/nounA catalogue, roll, or enumeration (of items) transitive verb
To enlist (also 'list, as if for enlist) ORIGIN: OFr liste, of Gmc origin, ult same word as list2, from the sense of a strip of paper listˈable adjective listˈing noun
List D schools plural noun Formerly, the name given in Scotland to community homes for young offenders (before 1969 called approved schools) listed building noun One officially listed as being of special architectural or historic interest, which cannot be demolished or altered without (local) government consent listed company noun (commerce) A public company which obtains an official listing from the Stock Exchange list price noun The recommended price of an article as shown in a manufacturer's catalogue or advertisement, ie before discounts, etc active list The roll of those liable for active service |
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