

单词 field events

field /fēld/

  1. Country or open country in general
  2. A piece of ground enclosed for cultivation or pasture
  3. The range of any series of actions or energies
  4. Speciality
  5. An area of knowledge, interest, etc
  6. A region of space in which forces are at work (physics)
  7. The locality of a battle
  8. The battle itself
  9. An area of ground reserved and marked out for playing games, etc
  10. A place removed from the classroom, office, etc where practical experience is gained
  11. A wide expanse
  12. The area visible to an observer at one time (eg in a microscope)
  13. One of the two interlaced sets of scanning lines making up the picture (TV)
  14. One scanning of a field from top to bottom and back (TV)
  15. An area of land in which a mineral, etc is mined
  16. The surface of a shield (heraldry)
  17. The background of a coin, flag, etc
  18. Those taking part in a hunt
  19. The entries collectively against which a contestant has to compete
  20. All parties collectively, the entire set of competitors, runners, etc (as in to bet on the field in a horse race)
  21. Disposition of fielders (cricket or baseball)
  22. A system or collection of elements upon which binary operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be performed except that division by 0 is excluded (mathematics)
  23. A unit of information (eg a name) constituting part of a database record (computing)
  24. An area in a database, program or screen display in which information may be entered (computing)
transitive verb
  1. To catch (the ball) or stop and return it to the principal playing area (cricket or baseball)
  2. To handle skilfully (esp questions)
  3. To put into the field for play, military action or (figurative) other form of contest
intransitive verb (cricket or baseball)

To stand in position for catching or stopping the ball

ORIGIN: OE feld; cf Du veld the open country, Ger Feld

fieldˈed adjective (Shakespeare)


fieldˈer noun

A person who fields

fieldˈing noun

Playing in the field at cricket as distinguished from batting

fieldˈward or fieldˈwards adverb

Towards the fields

field allowance noun (military)

A small extra payment to officers on active service

field ambulance noun

A medical unit on the field of battle

field artillery noun

Mobile ordnance for active operations in the field

field battery noun

A battery of field artillery

field bed noun

  1. A camp or trestle bed
  2. A bed for use in the open air

field book noun

The notebook used by a surveyor in the field

fieldˈboots plural noun

Knee-length boots

field botany, field geology, etc noun

Botany, geology, etc pursued in the open air

field capacity noun (geology)

The water-retaining capacity of soil

field club noun

A club of field naturalists

field colours plural noun

  1. Small flags used for marking the position for companies and regiments in the field
  2. Hence, any regimental headquarters' flags

field cornet noun

  1. The magistrate of a township (S Afr historical)
  2. A rank equivalent to lieutenant, assistant field cornet equal to second lieutenant (S Afr milit)

fieldˈcraft noun

The knowledge and skill needed to live in the wild

field day noun

  1. A day when troops are taken out for instruction in field exercises
  2. A day spent on outdoor activities
  3. Any period of great activity, success or enjoyment

fieldˈ-dew noun (Shakespeare)

Dew of the fields

fielded panel noun

A panel, sometimes subdivided into smaller panels, raised above or recessed into surrounding woodwork

field-effect transistor noun

One in which current is controlled by a variable electric field

field emission noun (electronics)

Emission from a metallic surface as a result of an intense electric field at the surface

field-emission microscope noun

A microscope in which the positions of the atoms in a surface are shown by the electric field emitted when the surface is made positive in a high-voltage discharge tube containing argon at very low pressure

field event noun

An athletic event other than a race

fieldˈfare noun

(ety doubtful) a species of thrush, having a grey head, a reddish-yellow throat and breast spotted with black

field glass or field glasses noun

A binocular telescope for use in the field or open air

field goal noun

  1. In basketball, a score made from normal play, rather than from a free throw
  2. In American football, a score worth three points, made by kicking the ball through the goalposts, usu on the fourth down

field gray or field grey noun

  1. A grey (Feldgrau) adopted for uniforms in the German Army in World War I
  2. A German soldier dressed thus

field guide noun

An illustrated book used to identify birds, animals, plants, etc in the field

field gun noun

A light cannon mounted on a carriage

field hand noun

An outdoor farm labourer

field hockey noun (N American)

Hockey played on grass, as opposed to ice hockey

field hospital noun

A temporary hospital near the scene of battle

field ice noun

Ice formed in the polar seas in large surfaces, as distinguished from icebergs

field-ion microscope noun

  1. A modification, with greater resolving power, of the field-emission microscope, in which ions of a gas (usu helium) which is adsorbing on the metal point are repelled and produce the image on the screen
  2. Used in conjunction with an instrument such as a mass spectrometer to identify the atoms, it is known as an atom-probe-field-ion microscope

field kitchen noun

Portable cooking equipment for troops, or the place where it is set up

field lark noun

An American bird (genus Sturnella) of the Icteridae (see under icterus), not a lark

field mark noun

A visible characteristic useful in distinguishing birds, animals, etc in the wild

field marshal noun

An army officer of highest rank

field meeting noun

A secret religious meeting, a conventicle

fieldˈmouse or fieldˈvole noun

A name for various species of mouse and vole that live in the fields

field mushroom see mushroom

field naturalist noun

A person who studies natural history out of doors

field night noun

A night marked by some important gathering, discussion, etc

field notes plural noun

Data noted in the field, to be worked up later

field officer noun

A military officer above the rank of captain, and below that of general

field of honour noun

The site of a duel or battle

field of view or vision noun

What is visible to one at any given moment

fieldˈpiece noun

A cannon or piece of artillery used in the field of battle

field preacher noun

An open-air preacher

field preaching noun

fieldˈ-sequential adjective (TV)

Relating to the association of individual primary colours with successive fields

fieldsˈman noun (cricket)

A fielder

field sports plural noun

Sports of the field, such as hunting, racing, etc

fieldˈstone noun (chiefly US)

Stone used for building, taken from a nearby field

field strength noun

The intensity of an electric or magnetic field

field test noun

(also field trial) a test in practice, as distinct from one under laboratory conditions

fieldˈ-test transitive verb

field train noun

A department of the Royal Artillery responsible for the safety and supply of ammunition during war

field trial see field test above.

field trip noun

An expedition (esp by students) to observe and study something at its location

fieldˈvole see fieldmouse above.

fieldˈwork noun

  1. Farm work in fields
  2. Work (scientific surveying, etc) in the field, as opposed to in a laboratory, office, etc
  3. (often in pl) a temporary fortification erected by troops in the field, either for protection or to cover an attack on a stronghold

fieldˈworker noun

A practical research worker

hold the field

To remain supreme

keep the field

  1. To keep the campaign going
  2. To maintain one's ground

lead the field

To be foremost

play the field see under play

take the field

  1. To assemble on a playing field
  2. To begin warlike operations

track1 /trak/

  1. A mark or trail left
  2. A beaten path or road
  3. A made path
  4. A sequence or course of thoughts or actions
  5. The predetermined line of travel of an aircraft
  6. A line of motion or travel
  7. A course, usu oval-shaped, on which races are run
  8. A railway line, the rails and the space between
  9. The groove cut in a gramophone record by the recording instrument
  10. One out of several items recorded on a disc or tape
  11. One of several areas or paths on magnetic recording equipment (eg magnetic tape) receiving information from a single input channel
  12. A film's soundtrack
  13. Any of several more or less demanding courses of study designed to meet the respective needs of students divided into groups according to ability (US)
  14. A plastic or metal rod from which curtains, lights, etc can be suspended
  15. The endless band on which the wheels of a caterpillar vehicle run (tracked adjective equipped with such metal bands)
  16. (in a factory, etc) a conveyor carrying goods in process of manufacture
  17. Track and field events collectively (N American)
  18. The distance between a pair of wheels measured as the distance between their respective points of contact with the ground
  19. A path followed by a particle, esp when rendered visible in photographic emulsion by cloud chamber, bubble chamber or spark chamber
  20. (usu in pl) a red mark on the skin caused by using intravenous drugs (slang)
transitive verb
  1. To follow the track of
  2. To find by so doing
  3. To traverse
  4. To beat, tread (a path, etc)
  5. To follow the progress of
  6. To follow the movement of (a satellite, spacecraft, etc) by radar, etc, and record its positions
  7. (of a stylus or laser beam) to read information from (a vinyl record, CD, etc)
  8. To follow or move in relation to (a moving object) while filming it
  9. To leave dirty marks on (a floor) (with on or up; N American)
  10. To make dirty marks on eg a floor with (snow, mud, etc) (N American)
intransitive verb
  1. To follow a trail
  2. To make one's way (informal)
  3. To run in alignment, esp (of gramophone needles) to follow the grooves
  4. (of a camera or camera operator) to follow or move in relation to a moving object being filmed
  5. To move a dolly camera in a defined path while taking a shot (tracking shot)
ORIGIN: Fr trac; prob Gmc; cf track2

trackˈable adjective

trackˈage noun

Provision of railway tracks

trackˈer noun

  1. A person or thing that tracks
  2. An investment fund that aims to follow a stock market index

trackie adjective (informal)

(of a garment) originally constituting part of a tracksuit


(in pl) a tracksuit

trackˈing noun

  1. The action of the verb
  2. Excessive leakage current between two insulated points due eg to moisture (elec eng)
  3. Disposition of the tone arm on a gramophone so that the stylus remains correctly positioned in the groove
  4. The addition of prerecorded music to a motion picture instead of using specially-commissioned music
  5. The division of study courses or students into tracks (qv above) (US)

trackˈless adjective

  1. Without a path
  2. Untrodden
  3. Leaving no trace
  4. Running without rails

trackˈlessly adverb

trackˈlessness noun

track and field noun

Athletic events collectively, incl running and hurdling races (track events), and jumping and throwing competitions (field events)

trackˈ-and-fieldˈ adjective

trackˈball or trackˈerball noun (computing)

A spherical ball that can be rotated with the palm of the hand causing the cursor to move across the screen

trackˈbed noun

The foundations of a railway track

tracker dog noun

One used for tracking, esp in police searches

track event noun see track and field above.

tracking station noun

A station with radar and radio equipment allowing it to track spacecraft, aircraft and satellites through the atmosphere or space

trackˈlayer noun

  1. A tracklaying vehicle
  2. A trackman (N American)

trackˈlaying adjective

(of a vehicle) having caterpillar tracks

trackˈman noun (N American)

A platelayer

trackˈpad noun same as touchpad (see under touch)

track record noun

A record of past performance, orig that of an athlete, now generally that of any individual, company, etc

track rod noun

A rod connecting the front wheels of a vehicle, ensuring alignment and accurate steering

track shoe noun

A lightweight spiked running shoe worn by athletes

trackˈsuit noun

A loose warm suit intended to be worn by athletes when warming up or training, but sometimes worn by others in an error of judgement

trackˈ-walker noun

A person who has charge of a railway track

trackˈway noun

  1. A beaten track
  2. An ancient road

across the tracks or the wrong side of the tracks (informal)

A slum or other socially disadvantaged area

cover one's tracks

To take measures to prevent discovery of one's actions, motives, etc

in one's tracks

Just where one stands

keep (or lose) track of

Keep (or fail to keep) oneself informed about

make tracks (informal)

  1. To make off
  2. To go quickly

make tracks for (informal)

To go towards

off the beaten track

  1. Away from frequented roads
  2. Out of the usual, not normal or conventional (figurative)

off the track

Off course, in the wrong direction

on the right (or wrong) track

Pursuing a correct (or mistaken) course

track down

To find after intensive search





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