单词 | insofar as |
释义 | in1 /in/preposition
Indicating a (public) gathering of a group of people in one room, building, etc, orig as a form of protest (as in sit-in, work-in), now for any joint purpose (as in love-in, teach-in) ORIGIN: OE in; Du, Ger in, ON ā; Welsh yn, L in, Gr en; OE also had innan within; cf OHGer inanna, Swed innan inˈ-and-inˈ adjective and adverb
inˈ-box noun (computing) A file for storing incoming electronic mail inˈ-built adjective Built in, integral inˈ-car adjective Existing, situated or operating within a car, as in-car entertainment in-comˈpany adjective Happening or existing within a company inˈ-depth adjective
inˈ-fighting noun
inˈ-flight adjective Provided during an aeroplane flight Ingathering, Feast of see Feast of Tabernacles under tabernacle inˈgroup noun A social group of people having the same interests and attitudes inˈ-houseˈ adjective and adverb Within a particular company, establishment, etc inˈ-joke noun A joke to be fully appreciated only by members of a particular limited group in-lineˈ adjective
inˈ-line skate noun A type of roller skate with wheels set in a line (also intransitive verb) inˈ-line skating noun inˈ-offˈ noun (snooker, etc) A stroke in which the cue ball falls into a pocket after striking another ball inˈ-patient noun A patient living and being treated in a hospital (cf out-patient) inˈ-service adjective Carried out while continuing with one's ordinary employment, eg in-service training inˈshore adjective
inˈ-source transitive verb To obtain (goods or parts) from, or contract work with, a supplier within the same organization inˈ-sourcing noun inˈ-store adjective Provided within a shop inˈ-tray noun A shallow container for incoming letters, etc still to be dealt with be in it
in as far as, in so far as or insofar as To the extent that in as much as or inasmuch as Considering that in for
in for it
in it
in itself Intrinsically, apart from relations in on (informal)
ins and outs (or outs and ins)
in that For the reason that in with
nothing in it
on the in (slang) On the inside, ie in prison far /fär/adjective (furˈther or farˈther; furˈthest or farˈthest)
To remove to a distance —See also farther ORIGIN: OE feor; Du ver; ON fiarre or feorr farˈmost adverb Most distant or remote farˈness noun
farˈaway adjective
noun (rare) The distance farawayˈness noun far cry noun A long distance Far East noun
farˈ-fetchedˈ (obsolete farˈfet) adjective
farˈ-flung adjective
farˈ-forth adverb (Spenser) Far Far North noun The Arctic regions farˈ-off adjective and adverb In the distance farˈ-outˈ adjective
far-reachˈing adjective Having wide validity, scope, or influence far-seeˈing adjective Able to foresee future events far-sightˈed adjective
far-sightˈedness noun farˈ-sought adjective Sought at a distance Far South noun The Antarctic regions farˈ-spent adjective Far advanced Far West noun
as far as
by far In a very great degree far and away By a great deal far and near or far and wide Everywhere, all about far be it God forbid far between
far from it On the contrary far gone Well-advanced in time, progress, decline, etc go too far To go beyond reasonable limits, esp of tact or behaviour I'll see you far (or farther) first I will not do it by any means in so far as To the extent that |
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