

单词 helms

helm1 /helm/

  1. Steering apparatus
  2. A position of control, esp in the phrase at the helm
transitive verb

To direct, steer

ORIGIN: OE helma; ON hjālm a rudder, Ger Helm a handle

helm'er noun (informal)

The director of a film

helmˈless adjective

helmsˈman noun

A steersman

helmet /helˈmit/ or (archaic or poetic) helm

  1. A covering of armour for the head
  2. Any similar protective covering for the head
  3. Anything resembling a helmet, such as a cloud on a mountain top, the top of a guinea-fowl's head, the hooded upper lip of certain flowers
ORIGIN: OE helm; Ger Helm; cf hele

helˈmeted or (archaic or poetic) helmed adjective

helˈmet-shell noun

A gastropod of the genus Cassis, having a thick heavy shell with bold ridges





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