

单词 inquiration

inquire or enquire /in-kwīrˈ/

intransitive verb
  1. To ask a question
  2. To make an investigation (often with into)
transitive verb
  1. To ask
  2. To seek (obsolete)
  3. To make an examination regarding (obsolete)
  4. To call (archaic)
noun (archaic)


ORIGIN: OFr enquerre (Fr enquérir), from L inquīrere, from in in, and quaerere, quaesītum to seek

inquirāˈtion (Dickens) or enquirāˈtion noun (dialect)


inquirˈer or enquirˈer noun

inquirˈing adjective

  1. Tending to inquire
  2. Eager to acquire information
  3. (of eg a look) expressing inquiry

inquirˈingly adverb

inquirˈy or enquirˈy (or esp US /ingˈkwi-ri/) noun

  1. The act of inquiring
  2. A search for knowledge
  3. (an) investigation
  4. A question

inquire after

To ask about the health, etc of

writ of inquiry

A writ appointing an inquest





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