

单词 make a pig's ear of

ear1 /ēr/

  1. The organ of hearing, or just the external part
  2. The sense or power of hearing
  3. The faculty of distinguishing sounds esp of a different pitch
  4. Attention
  5. Anything projecting or shaped like an ear, such as the auricle of a leaf, the lug of a vessel or a projecting part for support, attachment, etc
ORIGIN: OE ēare; cf Ger Ohr and L auris

eared adjective

Having ears or external ears

earˈful noun (informal)

  1. Rough or scolding words, a reprimand
  2. As much talk or gossip as one's ears can stand

earˈing noun (nautical)

One of a number of small ropes for fastening the upper corner of a sail to the yard

earˈless adjective

Without ears, or external ears

earˈache noun

An ache or pain in the ear

earˈbash intransitive verb (Aust inf)

To talk incessantly

transitive verb

To nag or scold

earˈbasher noun

earˈbashing noun

A lengthy scolding

earˈbob noun

An earring

earˈ-bone noun

earˈbud noun

(usu in pl) an audio receiver that fits into the outer ear, used for listening to a portable radio, digital audio player, etc

earˈ-bussing (Shakespeare; another reading earˈ-kissing) adjective


earˈ-cap noun (archaic)

An earflap

ear'-catching adjective

(of a tune, etc) readily taking hold in the mind

ear defenders plural noun

Plugs or muffs for insertion into, or fitting over, the ears to reduce noise reception

earˈdrop noun

  1. A pendant earring
  2. (in pl) a medicine taken in the form of drops put into the outer ear

earˈdrum noun

  1. The tympanic membrane, a thin partition between the outer ear and the organs of the middle ear, which vibrates as sound waves strike it
  2. The cavity of the middle ear, tympanum

earˈflap noun

  1. One of two coverings for the ears, attached to a cap, to protect them from cold or injury
  2. A small flap of skin forming the outer ear of some animals

earˈ-hole noun

  1. The opening in the ear
  2. A person's ear (informal)

earˈlap noun

  1. The tip of the ear
  2. An earflap

earˈlobe noun

The soft lower part of the outer ear

earˈlock noun

A curl near the ear worn by Elizabethan dandies

earˈmark noun

  1. A distinctive mark
  2. An owner's mark on an animal's ear

transitive verb

  1. To set aside or intend for a particular purpose
  2. To put an earmark on

earˈmuffs plural noun

A pair of ear coverings, joined by a band across the head, worn to protect the ears from cold or noise

earˈphone noun

A headphone

earˈpick noun

An instrument for clearing the ear

earˈpiece noun

  1. The part of a telephone, etc that is placed next to the ear
  2. A square box for advertisement, etc printed at the top of a newspaper page
  3. The part of a pair of glasses that fits over and round the ear

earˈ-piercing adjective

Shrill, screaming


The piercing of the lobe of the ear in order to insert earrings

earˈplug noun

A plug of soft material inserted into the outer ear to keep out sound, water, etc

earring /ērˈing/ noun

A piece of jewellery hung from or fixed on or in the ear

earˈ-shell noun

Any shell of the family Haliotidae

earˈshot noun

The distance within which a sound can be heard

earˈ-splitting adjective


earˈ-trumpet noun

A trumpet-shaped tube formerly used as a hearing aid

earˈwax noun

A waxy substance secreted by the glands of the ear

earˈwig noun

  1. (OE ēarwicga, from ēare ear, and wicga insect or beetle) any dermapterous insect of the family Forficulidae, once supposed to creep into the ear
  2. A flatterer

transitive verb

  1. To eavesdrop (slang)
  2. To gain the ear of (archaic)
  3. To bias (archaic)
  4. To pester with continual demands (archaic)

earˈwigging noun (informal)

A scolding

earˈwiggy adjective

earˈ-witness noun

A witness that can testify from his or her own hearing

earˈworm noun (informal)

An irresistibly catchy piece of music

about one's ears

Said of something falling around one (eg a building or missiles) (also figurative)

a thick ear (informal)

A blow on the ear, by way of chastisement

a word in someone's ear

A private word with someone

be all ears

To give every attention

fall on deaf ears

(of a remark, request, etc) to be ignored

give ear

To attend (to)

go in (at) one ear and out (at) the other

To make no permanent impression

have itching ears

To want to hear news (Bible, 2 Timothy 4.3)

have or keep one's ear to the ground

To keep oneself well-informed about what is going on around one

have someone's ear

To be sure of someone's favourable attention

lend an ear

To listen (to)

make a pig's ear of see pig1

make someone's ears burn

To discuss someone in his or her absence

out on one's ear (informal)

Dismissed swiftly and without politeness

pin back one's ears

To listen attentively

pin back someone's ears

To reprimand, rebuke

play by ear

To play on a musical instrument without the help of written music

play it by ear

To deal with a situation as it develops without advance planning

set by the ears

To set violently against each other

tickle the ear of

To gratify, pander to the taste of or flatter

turn a deaf ear

To refuse to listen (to)

up to one's ears in

Deeply involved in

walls have ears

Someone may be listening

wet behind the ears (informal)

Naïve, immature

pig1 /pig/

  1. Any mammal of the family Suidae, omnivorous ungulates with thick, bristly skin, esp the domesticated Sus scrofa, a farm animal bred as food for humans
  2. Its flesh as food, esp that of the young animal
  3. Someone who is like the popular image of a pig, dirty, greedy, gluttonous, or cantankerous (also used mildly in reproach)
  4. An oblong mass of unforged metal, as first extracted from the ore
  5. The mould into which it is run, esp one of the branches, the main channel being the sow
  6. A device that is propelled through a pipeline or duct by pneumatic, hydraulic or gas pressure, for clearing, cleaning, tracking or scanning purposes, etc (technology)
  7. Same as go-devil (see under go1)
  8. A feast (slang)
  9. A policeman (slang; derogatory)
  10. A segment of an orange (slang)
  11. Something very difficult (slang)
intransitive verb (piggˈing; pigged)
  1. To give birth to pigs
  2. To live, herd, huddle, sleep, or feed like pigs
  3. To eat greedily (slang)
ORIGIN: ME pigge; cf Du bigge big

piggˈery noun

  1. A place where pigs are kept
  2. Piggishness

piggˈie, piggˈy, pigˈlet or pigˈling noun

A little pig

piggˈies plural noun

A child's word for toes

piggˈing noun (technology)

Operating a pig or running a pig along a pipeline

adjective (slang)

Expressing aversion, of something troublesome, unpleasant or difficult

piggˈish adjective

  1. Like a pig
  2. Greedy
  3. Dirty
  4. Cantankerous
  5. Mean

piggˈishly adverb

piggˈishness noun

piggˈy adjective

Like a pig

pigˈ-bed noun

  1. A pig's sleeping place
  2. A mould of sand in which a pig of iron is cast

pigˈboat noun (US naval sl)

A submarine

pigˈ-deer noun

The babiroussa

pigˈ-eyed adjective

Having small, pinkish, dull eyes with heavy lids

pigˈ-faced adjective

pigˈfeed noun

Food for pigs

pigˈ-fish noun (US)

  1. A name for various kinds of grunt (Haemulon, etc)
  2. In Australia, a name for various wrasses

piggyback adverb , etc see separate entry.

piggy bank see under pig2

pigheadˈed adjective

  1. Having a pig-like head
  2. Stupidly obstinate

pigheadˈedly adverb

pigheadˈedness noun

pigˈ-herd noun

pigˈ-igˈnorant adjective (informal; derogatory)

Very ignorant

pigˈ-in-the-middˈle or piggˈy-in-the-middˈle noun

  1. A children's game in which a person standing between two or more others tries to intercept a ball, etc, passing back and forth between them
  2. A person caught between opposing viewpoints, strategies, etc (figurative)

pig iron noun

Iron in pigs or rough bars

pigˈ-jump intransitive verb (Aust; of a horse)

To jump from all four legs without bringing them together

pig Latin noun

A secret language or jargon made up by children, esp one in which an initial consonant is transposed to the end of the word, followed by -ay, so that eg pig becomes igpay

pigˈ-lead noun

Lead in pigs

pigˈ-lily noun (S Afr)

The lily of the Nile

pigˈ-man noun

A man responsible for or expert in looking after pigs

pigˈmeat noun

Bacon, ham or pork

pigˈnut noun

The earthnut (genus Conopodium)

pigˈpen noun

A pigsty

pigˈ-rat noun

The bandicoot rat

pigˈsconce noun

  1. A pigheaded person
  2. A blockhead

pig sick or pigˈ-sick adjective (informal)

Extremely fed up or annoyed

pigˈskin noun

  1. The skin of a pig prepared as a strong leather
  2. A saddle (slang)
  3. A football (N Am sl)

pigˈ-sticker noun

pigˈ-sticking noun

Boar-hunting with spears

pigˈsty noun

  1. A pen for keeping pigs
  2. A very dirty or untidy place (informal)

pig'sˈ-wash or pigˈwash noun


pig's whisper noun

  1. A low whisper (dialect)
  2. A very short space of time

pig swill or pigˈswill noun

Kitchen, etc, waste fed to pigs

pigˈtail noun

  1. The tail of a pig
  2. The hair of the head plaited behind or at the side
  3. A short length of rope or cable
  4. A roll of twisted tobacco

pigˈweed noun

Goosefoot, amaranth, cow parsnip, or other plant eaten by pigs

pigˈ-woman noun

A woman who roasted pigs at fairs

a pig in a poke see under poke2

in pig

(of a sow) pregnant

make a pig of oneself (informal)

To overindulge in food or drink

make a pig's ear of (something) (informal)

To make a mess of something, to do something badly or clumsily

on the pig's back (Irish)

In a position of prosperity and comfort

pig it (informal)

To live in squalid or dirty surroundings

pig out

To overeat, go on a binge

pigs might fly (informal; as an expression of scepticism)

That is highly unlikely

when pigs fly (informal)






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