

单词 majority

major /māˈjər/

  1. Greater, or great, in number, quantity, size, value or importance
  2. (in boys' schools) senior
  3. Greater (than minor) by a semitone (music)
  4. Involving a major third (see below; music)
  1. A person of full legal age (in UK, before 1970, 21 years; from 1970, 18 years)
  2. An officer in rank between a captain and lieutenant-colonel
  3. By courtesy, a sergeant-major
  4. An officer in charge of a military band
  5. Anything that is major opposed to minor
  6. (in pl) the major sports leagues (US)
  7. (a student taking) a main subject of study at a university or college (N American, Aust and NZ)
  8. A film company, record label, etc with a large distribution network
  9. A kind of wig (obsolete)
intransitive verb
  1. To specialize in a particular subject at college (with in; N American, Aust and NZ)
  2. To strut around with a self-important air (Walter Scott)
  3. To specialize in a particular product, etc (with in or on)
transitive verb

To channel or concentrate (one's activities, efforts, etc) in a particular direction

ORIGIN: L mājor, compar of magnus great

majorat /mä-zhō-rä/ noun (French)


mājoretteˈ noun

A member of a group of girls who march in parades, etc, wearing decorative, military-style uniforms, and usu twirling batons or playing instruments

majorettˈing noun

The practice of performing as majorettes

majority /mə-jorˈi-ti/ noun

  1. The greater number
  2. The greater part, the bulk
  3. The difference between the greater and the lesser number
  4. Pre-eminence
  5. Full age (see n above)
  6. (the party with) the winning margin or votes in an election
  7. The office or rank of major

Of the majority

maˈjorly adverb (slang)


māˈjorship noun

major axis noun (mathematics)

(in conic sections) the axis passing through the foci

major-dōˈmō noun (pl major-dōˈmōs)

  1. (Sp mayordomo, from Med L mājor domūs) an official who has the general management in a large household
  2. A general steward

major-genˈeral noun

An officer in the army next in rank below a lieutenant-general

major-genˈeralcy or major-genˈeralship noun

The office or rank of major-general

major histocompatibility complex noun (immunology)

The collection of genes coding for the major histocompatibility antigens, which are involved in determining acceptance or rejection of transplanted organs (abbrev MHC)

majority carrier noun (electronics)

In a semiconductor, the type of carrier (electrons or holes) that carries most of the measured current

majority rule noun

Government by members, or by a body including members, of the largest ethnic group(s) in a country, as opposed to a political system which excludes them

majority verdict noun

The verdict reached by the majority in a jury, as distinct from a unanimous verdict

major key, major mode or major scale noun (music)

A key, mode or scale with its third a major third above the tonic

major orders plural noun

In the Roman Catholic Church, the higher degrees of holy orders, ie bishop, priest and deacon

major piece noun (chess)

A queen or rook

major planet noun

A planet of the solar system, as opposed to an asteroid

major premise noun (logic)

The premise in which the major term occurs

major suit noun (bridge)

Spades or hearts, valued more highly than diamonds or clubs

major term noun (logic)

The term which is the predicate of the conclusion

major third noun (music)

An interval of four semitones

major tone noun

An interval of vibration ratio 8:9

go over to or join the majority

To die

in the majority

Forming the larger group or number

minor /mīˈnər/

  1. Lesser
  2. Inferior in importance, degree, bulk, etc
  3. Inconsiderable
  4. Lower
  5. Smaller (than major) by a semitone (music)
  6. In boys' schools, junior (placed after a surname)
  7. (of change-ringing) using six bells
  8. (with cap) Minorite
  1. A person under the legal age of majority
  2. The minor term, or minor premise (logic)
  3. (with cap) a Minorite or Minoress
  4. Anything that is minor opposed to major
  5. A subsidiary subject studied at college or university (N American)
  6. A student of such a subject
  7. (in pl) the minor leagues in baseball, etc (N American)
intransitive verb (N American; with in)

To study as a minor, subsidiary subject at college or university

ORIGIN: L minor less; cf minus

minoritaire /mē-nor-ē-ter/ noun (French)

A member of a minority section of a political (esp Socialist) party

Mīˈnorite adjective

Relating to or designating a Franciscan order observing the strict rule of St Francis


A member of such an order (also fem Mīˈnoress)

minority /min- or mīn-orˈi-ti/ noun

  1. The condition or fact of being little or less
  2. The state or time of being under age (also mīˈnorship)
  3. The smaller number
  4. Less than half
  5. The party, social group, section of the population, etc of smaller numbers
  6. The number by which it falls short of the other party, opp to majority

Of the minority

minor axis noun

(in conics) that perpendicular to the major axis

minor canon see under canon2

minority carrier noun (electronics)

In a semiconductor, the type of carrier electrons or holes which carries the lesser degree of measured current

minority group noun

A section of the population with a common interest, characteristic, etc which is not common to most people

minority report noun

A report issued by a minority group of committee members to state their official position when they disagree with the majority

minor key, minor mode or minor scale noun

A key, mode or scale with its third a minor third above the tonic

minor orders plural noun

The lower degrees of holy orders, ie porter, exorcist, lector and acolyte

minor piece noun (chess)

A bishop or knight

minor planet noun

An asteroid

minor poet noun

A genuine but not great poet

minor premise noun (logic)

That in which the minor term occurs

minor prophets plural noun

The twelve from Hosea to Malachi in the Old Testament

minor suit noun (bridge)

Clubs or diamonds

minor term noun (logic)

The term which is the subject of the conclusion

minor third noun (music)

An interval of three semitones

minor tone noun

An interval with a vibration ratio of 9:10

in a minority of one


plural /ploorˈl/

  1. Numbering more than one
  2. More than onefold
  3. Expressing more than one, or, where dual is recognized, more than two (grammar)
noun (grammar)
  1. The plural number
  2. A plural word form
ORIGIN: L plūrālis, from plūs, plūris more

plurˈalism noun

  1. A (condition of) society in which different ethnic, etc, groups preserve their own customs, or hold equal power
  2. Plurality
  3. The holding by one person of more than one office at once, esp ecclesiastical livings
  4. A system allowing this
  5. A philosophy that recognizes more than one principle of being, opp to monism, or more than two, opp to monism and dualism

plurˈalist noun

  1. Someone who holds more than one office at one time
  2. A believer in pluralism

Of or relating to pluralists

pluralistˈic adjective

plurality /-alˈi-ti/ noun

  1. The state or fact of being plural
  2. Numerousness
  3. A plural number
  4. The greater number, more than half
  5. A majority over any other, distinguished from majority, which is used for an absolute majority or majority over all others combined (US)
  6. The holding of more than one benefice at one time
  7. A living held by a pluralist

pluralīzāˈtion or pluralīsāˈtion noun

plurˈalize or plurˈalise transitive verb

To make plural

intransitive verb

To hold two or more benefices or offices simultaneously

pluˈrally adverb

plural society noun

One in which pluralism is found

plural vote noun

The power of voting in more than one constituency, or more than once in one





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