单词 | Atonement |
释义 | day /dā/noun
ORIGIN: OE dæg; Ger Tag; not L diēs days adverb (informal) During the day, each day day bed noun
dayˈ-blindˈness noun A defect of vision in which objects are best seen by a dim light, hemeralopia dayˈ-boardˈer noun A pupil who attends but does not sleep at a boarding school dayˈboat noun A small pleasure boat with no sleeping accommodation day book noun (bookkeeping)
dayˈ-boy or dayˈ-girl see day-scholar below. dayˈbreak noun Dawn day care noun Daytime supervision and help given by trained nursing and other staff to a group of pre-school children, or elderly or disabled people day care centre or day centre noun A centre which provides social amenities and/or supervision for elderly or disabled people, vagrants, alcoholics, petty offenders, etc dayˈ-coal noun The upper stratum of coal dayˈdream noun A pleasant fantasy or reverie (also intransitive verb) dayˈdreamer noun dayˈflower noun A tropical plant of the Commelina genus with fast-wilting blue flowers dayˈ-fly noun A mayfly day hospital noun A hospital where patients receive treatment or therapy during the day and return home or to another hospital at night dayˈ-lāˈbour noun Labour paid by the day dayˈ-lāˈbourer noun dayˈ-length noun (botany) The number of hours of daylight in a day, a trigger for flowering in some plants dayˈ-level noun (mining) A level driven from the surface dayˈlight noun
daylight lamp noun (physics) A lamp which emits light of wavelengths similar to those of ordinary daylight daylight robbery see under rob1 dayˈlight-savˈing noun Increasing the amount of daylight available for work or play, by advancing the clock, usu by one hour Daylight Saving Time noun The time adopted for daylight-saving purposes day lily noun A plant (genus Hemerocallis) whose blossoms last only for a day dayˈlong adjective During the whole day dayˈmark noun An unlighted sea-mark day name noun (W Afr) A personal name given to indicate the day of the week on which the person was born day-neutral plant noun (botany) A plant in which flowering is not sensitive to day-length day nursery noun A place where young children are cared for while their parents work day of action noun A day designated by an organization for industrial action, demonstrations, etc in support of a cause Day of Atonement noun Yom Kippur day off noun A day's holiday Day of Judgement noun The day of God's final judgement on mankind dayˈ-old adjective One day old day one noun
day out noun
dayˈpack noun (US) A daysack dayˈ-patient noun A hospital patient who attends for treatment (eg minor surgery) and goes home the same day dayˈ-peep noun (literary; Milton) Dawn day release noun A system by which workers are freed from employment during the day so as to attend an educational course day-releaseˈ adjective day return noun
day room noun A room used as a communal living room in a school, hospital or hostel, etc dayˈsack noun A small rucksack for use on short walks or hikes dayˈsailor or dayˈsailer noun A dayboat powered by sail dayˈ-scholar noun A pupil who attends a boarding school during the school-hours, but lives at home (also dayˈ-boy or dayˈ-girl) day school noun A school held during the day, as opposed both to a night school and to a boarding school day shift noun
dayˈ-sight noun Night-blindness daysˈman noun (archaic)
Days of Awe plural noun High Holidays (qv under high1) days of grace plural noun Three days allowed for payment of bills, etc beyond the day named dayˈspring noun (literary) Dawn dayˈstar noun
day surgery noun Minor surgery that is carried out in hospital on a patient who goes home the same day dayˈtale /-tāl or -təl/ or dāˈtal /-təl/ noun (old) Reckoning by the day, esp of work or wages dayˈtaler or daˈtaller /-təl-ər/ noun A day-labourer dayˈtime noun
Happening during the day dayˈ-to-dayˈ adjective
day trader noun A person who buys and sells securities on the same day with a view to making quick profits from price movements day trading noun day trip noun A trip made to somewhere and back within one day dayˈ-tripper noun dayˈwear noun Clothes intended for wearing during the day or informally dayˈ-weaˈried adjective (Shakespeare) Wearied with the work of the day dayˈ-work noun all in a (or the) day's work A normal or acceptable part of one's job or of what one is doing at the end of the day (informal) When all is said and done back in the day (informal) At some earlier time call it a day To announce a decision to cease day about On alternate days day by day Daily day in, day out For an indefinite succession of days from day to day Concerned only with the present have had its (or one's) day To have become worn-out or useless in the cold light of day In full and impartial knowledge of the facts in this day and age At the present time knock or beat the (living) daylights out of (informal) To beat severely make someone's day To make the day memorable for someone one day or one of these days At some indefinite time in the (near) future scare the (living) daylights out of (informal) To terrify see daylight To arrive at some comprehension, illumination or prospect of a solution that will be the day (informal) That is very unlikely the day
the day after the fair Too late the other day Not long ago the time of day
those were the days Those times were the best win the day To gain the victory atone (or obsolete attone) /ə-tōnˈ/intransitive verb
At one, at once, together ORIGIN: at one atoneˈment noun
atonˈer noun atonˈingly adverb attonce /ə-tonsˈ/ or attones /ə-tōnzˈ/ adverb (both Spenser)
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