单词 | false bedding |
释义 | bed1 /bed/noun
ORIGIN: OE bed(d); Ger Bett, ON bethr; prob related to L fodere to dig (as orig a hole) beddˈable adjective (informal) Sexually attractive beddˈer noun
beddˈing noun
bedˈward or bedˈwards adverb
bedˈbath noun The washing of a sick person in his or her bed, a blanket bath bedˈ-blocking noun A situation in which a hospital patient, though fit, cannot vacate a bed because there is no aftercare available bedˈ-bottle noun A bottle for bedridden males to urinate in bedˈbug noun A brown flattened biting bug (Cimex lectularius) bedˈchamber noun (archaic) A bedroom bedˈ-closet noun A closet serving as a bedroom bedˈclothes plural noun Sheets, blankets, etc for a bed bedˈcover noun An upper covering for a bed bedding plant noun A plant sufficiently well-grown for planting in a bed beddˈy-bye or -byes noun (used in speaking to children or facetious) Bed, as a place to sleep bedˈfast adjective (Scot and N Eng) Confined to bed bedˈfellow noun
bed'head noun
bedˈ-hopping noun (informal) Having a series of casual sexual affairs bedˈ-jacket noun A light jacket worn when sitting up in bed bedˈ-key noun A tool for tightening a bedstead bed linen noun Sheets and pillowcases bedˈmaker noun A person who makes the beds and cleans college rooms at Oxford, etc bedˈpan noun
bedˈplate noun (mechanics) The metal base to which the frame of a machine, engine, etc is attached bedˈpost noun A corner support of a bedstead bedˈpresser noun (Shakespeare) A heavy, lazy fellow bedˈ-rest noun
bedˈridden (also obsolete bedˈrid) adjective
bedˈright or bedˈrite noun (Shakespeare) The privilege or due of the marriage-bed bedˈrock noun
bedˈroll noun A sleeping-bag or bedclothes rolled up so as to be easily carried by a camper, etc bedˈroom noun
adjective (esp of a comedy or farce) involving or hinting at sexual activity between people in a bedroom, in night-clothes, etc bedroom tax noun (informal) In Britain, a financial penalty imposed on tenants if a property supplied by a local authority or housing association contains more rooms than is merited by the size of the household bedˈ-settee noun A sofa that converts into a bed bedˈ-sheet noun A cotton, nylon, etc sheet for a bed bedˈside noun The space beside a bed (also adjective) bedside book noun One esp suitable for reading in bed bedside manner noun That assumed by a doctor, etc at a sickbed bedsittˈing-room noun A combined bedroom and sitting room, eg in lodgings (shortened to bedˈsit or bedˈsitter) bedˈsocks plural noun Warm socks for wearing in bed bedˈsore noun An ulcer, esp over the bony prominences, arising from long confinement to bed (also called pressure sore) bedˈspread noun A coverlet put over a bed by day bedˈ-staff noun
bedˈstead noun A frame for supporting a bed bedˈstraw noun Any plant of the genus Galium, esp (Our) Lady's bedstraw (G. verum), once used as stuffing for mattresses bedˈ-swerver noun (Shakespeare) A person false to his or her marriage vow bedˈ-table noun A table for use by a person in bed bedˈtick noun (old) The case into which stuffing is put to make a mattress bedˈtime noun The time for going to bed adjective To do with, or suitable for, bedtime bedˈ-warmer noun A warming pan bedˈ-wetting noun The accidental passing of urine in bed bedˈ-work noun (Shakespeare) Work easily performed, as if done in bed bedˈ-worthy adjective (informal) Sexually attractive be brought to bed (of) (archaic) To give birth (to) bed and board
bed and breakfast Overnight accommodation with breakfast at a hotel, etc (bedˈ-and-breakˈfast adjective (stock exchange) of deals in which shares are sold one day and rebought the next (also transitive verb)) bed down To (cause to) settle down, esp in a makeshift bed, for sleep bed of down A bed of roses bed of honour The grave of a soldier who has fallen in battle bed of justice
bed of nails
bed of roses Any easy or comfortable place bed out To plant out in a flower-bed, etc get in bed with (commercial jargon) To form an alliance with (another business) get out of bed on the wrong side To start the day in a bad mood go or put to bed (of newspapers, magazines, etc) to go to or send to press go to bed with To have sexual intercourse with keep one's bed (archaic) To remain in bed lie in the bed one has made To have to accept the consequences of one's own acts Lords or Ladies of the Bedchamber Officers in the royal household who wait upon a king or queen make a bed To tidy and put in order the bedclothes on a bed take to one's bed To go to bed because of illness, grief, age, etc false /föls/adjective
ORIGIN: OFr fals (Mod faux), from L falsus, pap of fallere to deceive falseˈhood noun
falseˈly adverb falseˈness noun falsˈer noun
falˈsies noun (informal) Pads of rubber or other material inserted into a brassière to enlarge or improve the shape of the breasts falsˈish adjective Somewhat false falsˈism noun A self-evident falsity falsˈity noun
false acacia noun One of the shrubs and trees of the N American genus Robinia, to which the locust tree also belongs false alarm noun A warning of danger which turns out to have been unnecessary false-beddˈed adjective false bedding noun (geology) Irregular lamination running obliquely to the general stratification, due to deposition in banks by varying currents false bottom noun (eg in a suitcase) a partition cutting off and hiding a space between it and the true bottom false card noun A card played to deceive false-cardˈ intransitive verb false conception noun A uterine growth consisting of non-fetal material false dawn noun A deceptive appearance simulating dawn (also figurative) false face noun A mask falseˈ-faced adjective (Shakespeare) Hypocritical false friend noun A term in a foreign language that does not mean what it appears to, eg in Italian, pretendere does not mean ‘to pretend’ false fruit noun A pseudocarp false gallop noun (archaic) A canter falseˈ-heartˈed adjective Treacherous or deceitful false hem noun A strip of fabric added to the bottom of a garment, etc in order to deepen the hem false imprisonment noun Illegal detention by force or influence false leg noun The abdominal leg of an insect larva, a proleg false memory syndrome noun A condition of erroneous memory sometimes attributed to adults who recall childhood experiences, esp of sexual abuse, under hypnosis or other medical inducement (abbrev FMS) false move noun An ill-judged or careless act false pregnancy noun A psychological disorder in which many of the symptoms of pregnancy are simulated, pseudocyesis (see under pseud-) false pretences plural noun Deception false quantity noun Pronunciation or use of a long vowel as short or short as long false relation noun (music) Occurrence in different parts together or in succession of a tone and a chromatic derivative false rib noun One that does not reach the breastbone false shame noun Shame felt for something which is not shameful false start noun
false step noun
false teeth noun Artificial teeth, dentures false topaz noun Citrine (qv under citron) false vampire noun Any of various bats wrongly supposed to be blood-suckers falseˈwork noun A temporary framework used to support a building, etc during construction play someone false To act falsely or treacherously towards a person put in a false position To bring anyone into a position in which he or she will be misunderstood |
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