

单词 antheridial

anther /anˈthər/ (botany)


The part of a stamen that produces the pollen

ORIGIN: Gr anthēra a medicine made from flowers, esp their inner parts, from anthos flower

antheridˈial adjective

antheridˈium noun (pl antheridˈia)

The gametangium in which male gametes are produced

antherozōˈoid or antherozōˈid noun

(Gr zōoeidēs like an animal, from zōion animal, and eidos shape) a motile male gamete produced in an antheridium

anˈthersmut noun

A fungus (Ustilago violacea) causing a disease affecting plants of the carnation and pink family, in which the anthers produce the fungus spores instead of pollen





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