

单词 explain away

explain /ik-splānˈ/

transitive verb
  1. To make plain or intelligible
  2. To unfold and illustrate the meaning of
  3. To expound
  4. To account for
intransitive verb

To give an explanation

ORIGIN: L explānāre, from ex- out, and plānāre to level, from plānus flat or plain

explainˈable adjective

explainˈer noun

explanaˈtion /eks-plə-nāˈshən/ noun

  1. The act of explaining or clearing from obscurity
  2. That which explains or clears up
  3. The meaning or sense given to anything
  4. A mutual clearing up of matters, reconciliation

explanˈatorily /iks-planˈə-tər-i-li/ adverb

explanˈatory or explanˈative adjective

  1. Serving to explain or clear up
  2. Containing explanations

explain away

To modify the force of by explanation, generally in a bad sense





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