

单词 live like fighting cocks

cock1 /kok/

  1. A male bird, esp of the domestic fowl (also often as combining form, eg cockbird, cock-robin, cock-sparrow)
  2. A male crab, lobster or salmon
  3. A weathercock
  4. (sometimes as old cock) a familiar form of address to a man (slang)
  5. A strutting chief or leader (slang)
  6. Anything set erect
  7. A tap
  8. Part of the lock of a gun, held back by a spring, which, when released by the trigger, produces the discharge
  9. The penis (vulgar sl)
  10. Nonsense (informal)
transitive verb
  1. To set erect or upright (often with up)
  2. To set up the brim of
  3. To draw back (eg the cock of a gun)
  4. To turn up or to one side
  5. To tilt up (one's head, ears, etc) knowingly, inquiringly or scornfully
intransitive verb
  1. To strut
  2. To swagger
ORIGIN: OE coc; ON kokkr

cocked adjective

  1. Set erect
  2. Turned up or to one side
  3. (of a gun) with the cock drawn back, ready to fire

cockˈer noun

  1. Someone who follows cockfighting
  2. A cocker spaniel (see below)
  3. A term of familiarity (slang)

cockˈerel noun

A young cock (see also cockle5)

cockˈily adverb

cockˈiness, cocksˈiness or coxˈiness noun

cockˈy, cocksˈy or coxˈy adjective

  1. Self-important, bumptious
  2. Pert

cock-a-doodle-dooˈ noun

(imit) the crow of a cock

intransitive verb

To crow

cock-a-hoopˈ adjective

  1. In exultant spirits
  2. Boastful

cockaleekie see cockieleekie below.

cockalōˈrum noun

  1. A bumptious little person
  2. A boys' jumping game

cockˈamamie adjective (US sl)

Ridiculous, incredible

cockˈ-and-bullˈ adjective

(of a story) fabricated and incredible

cockˈ-broth noun

The broth made from a boiled cock

cockchafer noun see separate entry.

cockˈ-crow noun

Early morning, when cocks crow

cocked hat noun

  1. An old-fashioned three-cornered hat
  2. A small triangle on a navigational chart formed in taking account of three bearing measurements (nautical)

cocker spaniel noun

A small spaniel used to retrieve birds in game shooting

cockˈeye noun

A squinting eye

cockeye bob or cockeyed bob noun (Aust sl)

  1. A sudden thunderstorm
  2. A cyclone

cockˈeyed adjective

  1. Having a cockeye
  2. Off the straight, awry (informal)
  3. Tipsy (informal)
  4. Crazy, absurd (informal)

cockˈfight or cockˈfighting noun

  1. A fight or contest between gamecocks
  2. A fight

cockhorseˈ noun

A child's imaginary or toy horse


Prancing, proud


  1. Properly a-cockhorseˈ (ie on cockhorse) on horseback
  2. Exultingly

cockieleekˈie or cockyleekˈy or cock(-)a(-)leekˈie noun (Scot)

Soup made from a fowl and leeks

cocking piece noun

A piece of wood used to build a roof out over eaves (also sprocket)

cockˈlaird noun (Scot)

The owner of a small farm, who farms it in person

cockˈloft noun

A small room just under the roof

cockˈmatch noun

A cockfight

cock-of-the-rockˈ noun

A S American bird of the family Cotingidae

cock-pad(d)le or cock-paidle see paddle3

cockˈpit noun

  1. A sheltered depression in the deck of a yacht or small ship
  2. (in aircraft) a compartment in the fuselage, usu for the pilot or rarely for the passenger(s)
  3. The driver's seat in a racing car
  4. A pit or enclosed space where gamecocks fought
  5. A frequent battleground
  6. Part of a ship-of-war's lower regions used for the wounded in action

cock'sˈ-comb or cocksˈcomb noun

  1. The comb or crest on a cock's head
  2. A jester's cap
  3. A crest-like crystalline mineral aggregate (as in cockscomb pyrites)
  4. A name for various plants, esp Celosia cristata (family Amarantaceae), with a fasciated inflorescence like a cock's comb, also yellow rattle (genus Rhinanthus), and sainfoin
  5. A coxcomb

cocksˈfoot noun

A Eurasian grass (Dactylis glomerata) with inflorescences like a cock's foot

cockˈ-shoot noun (obsolete)

A glade where woodcock were netted as they shot through

cockˈshot noun

A cockshy

cockˈshut noun (archaic or dialect)

Twilight, prob referring to the time when poultry are shut up for the night

cockˈshy noun

  1. A throw at a target, orig a cock, for amusement
  2. An object set up for this purpose
  3. An object of criticism or ridicule

cock-sparrˈow noun

  1. A male sparrow
  2. A small, lively person

cockˈspur noun

  1. A spur on the leg of a gamecock
  2. A type of catch used on casement windows
  3. A hawthorn (Crataegus crusgalli) with long thorns and orange autumn foliage

cockspur grass noun

(Echinochloa crusgalli) an invasive grass of warmer, orig only tropical, climates

cockˈsucker noun (vulgar sl)

  1. A contemptible person who attempts to ingratiate himself with his superiors
  2. A toady
  3. A male homosexual

cockˈsure adjective

Irritatingly self-confident or self-assured

cockˈsurely adverb

cockˈsureness noun

cockˈteaser noun (vulgar sl)

A woman who deliberately provokes a man's sexual arousal, then refuses sexual intercourse

cock-throppˈled or cock-thrappˈled adjective

Of a horse, bending the windpipe on bridling

cockˈthrowing noun

The old sport of throwing sticks at a cock

cockˈ-up adjective

  1. Turned up
  2. Rising above the tops of the other letters, superior (printing)

noun (informal)

A muddle, mess, confusion

cockyleeky see cockieleekie above.

cock a snook see under snook2

cock of the walk

A person who (thinks he or she) is the most important in a group

cock up (informal)

To do or perform very badly

go off at half cock (informal)

To begin too soon, when not properly prepared

knock into a cocked hat

To give a profound beating, to defeat

live like fighting cocks

To have every luxury

fight /fīt/

intransitive verb (fightˈing; fought /föt/)
  1. To strive or struggle
  2. To contend in war or in single combat
  3. To quarrel
transitive verb
  1. To engage in conflict with
  2. To contend against
  3. To maintain or contend for, or oppose, by combat, legal action, etc
  4. To conduct (a battle, war, campaign, etc)
  5. To achieve by struggle
  6. To cause to contend or enter into conflict
  1. A struggle
  2. A combat
  3. A strong disagreement
  4. A battle or engagement
  5. Fighting spirit
  6. Inclination to fight
  7. A screen to cover the men in a naval fight (Shakespeare)
ORIGIN: OE fehtan (WSax feohtan); Ger fechten

fightˈable adjective

Able to be fought

fightˈer noun

  1. A person, etc who fights
  2. A boxer
  3. A relatively small military aircraft equipped to attack targets which are both in the air and on the ground
  4. A person who does not give in easily

fightˈing adjective

Engaged in, eager for, or fit for war or strife


The act of fighting or contending

fighting chance noun

A chance of success given supreme effort

fighting cock noun

  1. A gamecock
  2. A pugnacious person

fighting fish noun

A small freshwater fish of Thailand (Betta pugnax), kept for its extraordinary readiness for fighting, bets being laid on the outcome

fighting fund noun

A fund of money intended to be used for a specific campaign

fighting talk or fighting words plural noun (informal)

Spirited words issuing a challenge or provoking a fight

fight back

  1. To retaliate
  2. To counter-attack (fightˈback noun)

fighting drunk

Drunk and very aggressive

fighting fit

In good physical condition

fight it out

To struggle on until the end

fight off

To resist or repel

fight shy of

To avoid owing to mistrust

fight to the finish, to the ropes or to the last ditch

To fight until completely exhausted

live like fighting cocks

To habitually get the best available food and drink





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