

单词 everlasting

ever /evˈər/

  1. Always
  2. Eternally
  3. At all times
  4. Continually
  5. At any time
  6. On record, in history or in the world (eg the biggest ever)
  7. In any degree
  8. At all or possibly
  9. Very or extremely (slang, orig N American; used as part of an interjection or statement, eg was I ever hungry)

Giving complete generality to relative adverbs and pronouns, eg whatever, etc


evˈergreen adjective

  1. In leaf throughout the year
  2. Always fresh and green
  3. Unfading
  4. Never failing, retaining one's (or its) vigour, freshness, popularity, interest, etc for ever


  1. A tree or shrub that is green throughout the year
  2. A person, piece of music, etc which retains freshness, popularity, etc through the years

evergreen oak noun

Same as holm-oak (see under holm2)

everlastˈing adjective

  1. Endless
  2. Perpetual
  3. Unceasing
  4. Eternal
  5. Wearisomely long (informal)


  1. (with the) eternity
  2. (with cap and the) God
  3. A flower (of Helichrysum, Antennaria or other genus) that may be kept for years without much change of appearance
  4. A very durable type or cloth

everlastˈingly adverb

everlastˈingness noun

evˈer-living adjective (Shakespeare)

  1. Immortal
  2. Deathless

evermoreˈ (or /evˈ/) adverb

  1. For all time to come (also for evermore)
  2. Ever
  3. Unceasingly

ever and anon (archaic and poetic)

From time to time

ever so

  1. To a very great extent
  2. To any extent (archaic)

ever such a (informal)

A very

for ever

  1. For all eternity, always
  2. For a long time (informal)

xero- /zē-rō-/, or before a vowel xer- /zēr-/

combining form

Denoting dry

ORIGIN: Gr xēros dry

xeranˈsis noun

A drying-up

xeranthemum /-anˈthi-məm/ noun

  1. (Gr anthemon flower) any plant of the Xeranthemum genus of plants of S Europe, belonging to the thistle family
  2. One species of these, also called everlasting

xeranˈtic adjective

Drying up

xerarch /zēˈrärk/ adjective (Gr archē beginning; botany)

Of a plant succession, starting on land where conditions are very dry

xerasia /zi-rāˈsi-ə/ noun

An abnormal or unhealthy dryness of the hair

xēˈric adjective

  1. Dry, lacking in moisture
  2. Xerophytic

xerochasy /zi-rokˈə-si/ noun (botany, etc)

Dehiscence on drying

xeroderma /zē-rō-dûrˈmə/ or xeroderˈmia noun

(Gr derma skin) a disease characterized by abnormal dryness of the skin and by abnormal excessive growth of its horny layer, a mild form of ichthyosis (xeroderma pigmentosum /pig-men-tōˈsəm/ an inherited inability to repair DNA damage caused by exposure to ultraviolet light)

xerodermatˈic, xeroderˈmatous or xeroderˈmic adjective

xerographˈic adjective

xerogˈraphy noun

A non-chemical photographic process in which the plate is sensitized electrically and developed by dusting with electrically-charged fine powder

xeroma /-rōˈ/ noun (pl xerōˈmas or xerōˈmata)


xēˈromorph /-mörf/ noun

(Gr morphē form) a xerophyte

xeromorˈphic or xeromorˈphous adjective

Of parts of a plant, protected against excessive loss of water by thick cuticles, coatings of hairs and similar structural features

xerophagy /zi-rofˈə-ji/ noun

(Gr phagein to eat) the eating of dry food, or of bread, vegetables and water, as a form of fast

xēˈrophile noun

A xerophilous plant

xerophilous /-ofˈil-əs/ adjective

(Gr philos loving) of a plant, tolerant of a very dry habitat

xerophˈily noun

Adaptation to dry conditions

xērophthalmia /-of-thalˈmi-ə/ noun

(Gr ophthalmos eye) a dry lustreless condition of the conjunctiva due to deficiency of vitamin A in the diet

xēˈrophyte /-fīt/ noun

(Gr phyton plant) a plant able to inhabit places where the water supply is scanty, or where conditions, eg excess of salts, make it difficult to take in water

xerophytic /-fitˈ/ adjective

Able to withstand drought

xeroradiogˈraphy noun

X-ray photography by xerography

xerōˈsis noun

Abnormal dryness, eg of the skin, mouth, eyes, etc

xerostoma /-osˈtom-ə/ or xerostōˈmia noun

(Gr stoma mouth) excessive dryness of the mouth due to insufficient secretions

xerotes /zēˈrō-tēz/ noun


xerothermˈic adjective

  1. (of a region or climate) both dry and hot
  2. (of an animal or plant) living in a xerothermic environment

xerotic /-rotˈ/ adjective

Of bodily tissues, abnormally dry

xerotripsis /-tripˈsis/ noun

(Gr trīpsis, from trībein to rub) dry friction





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