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WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024line•up /ˈlaɪnˌʌp/USA pronunciation n. [countable]- an orderly arrangement of persons or things in, or as if in, a line:the fall lineup of TV programs.
- a group of persons lined up by the police to allow identification by a witness to or a victim of a crime.
- Sporta list of the players in a game, as of baseball, together with their positions.
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024line•up (līn′up′),USA pronunciation n. - a particular order or disposition of persons or things as arranged or drawn up for action, inspection, etc.
- the persons or things themselves.
- Crime(in police investigations) a group of persons, including suspects in a crime, lined up to allow inspection and possible identification by the victim or victims of that crime.
- Sportthe list of the participating players in a game together with their positions:to announce the starting lineup of a game.
- an organization of people, companies, etc., for some common purpose:a lineup of support for the new tax bill.
- an overall schedule of programs, events, activities, etc.:the fall lineup of TV programs.
- a list of products or services offered by a manufacturer or organization:Does the company's lineup of new cars this year include a convertible?
- noun, nominal use of verb, verbal phrase line up 1885–90, American.
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024line1 /laɪn/USA pronunciation n., v., lined, lin•ing. n. [countable] - a long mark of very slight thickness or breadth:notebook paper with blue lines.
- something arranged along a line, esp. a straight line;
a row:hid behind a line of trees. - a number of persons standing one behind the other:a long line for tickets to the play.
See in line, on line below. - a mark or wrinkle on the face, neck, etc.
- an indication of a boundary;
limit:the international date line. - Printinga row of written or printed letters, words, etc.
- Poetrya unit in the structure of a poem:a line of poetry.
- Show BusinessUsually, lines. [plural] the words of an actor's part in a drama, musical comedy, etc.
- a short written message:Drop me a line when you're on vacation.
- Transporta system of transportation:a steamship line; a subway line.
- a course of direction;
route:the line of flight. - a course of action, procedure, thought, policy, etc.:That newspaper follows a conservative line.
- a piece of useful information:I've got a line on a good used car.
- a series of generations descended from a common ancestor:a line of kings.
- a person's occupation:[usually singular]What line are you in?
- Informal Termsconversation or a story intended to impress or influence:He handed us a line about his rich relatives.
- outline or contour:That ship has fine lines.
- lines, [plural]
- a plan of construction, action, or procedure:The two books were written along the same lines.
- Telecommunications
- a circuit or connection, as a telephone connection:Please hold the line.
- Business, Clothinga stock of goods of the same general class but having a range of styles, sizes, prices, or quality:introduced a new line of beauty products.
- Military
- a series of fortifications:the Maginot line.
- MilitaryOften, lines. a distribution of troops, ships, etc., arranged for defense or drawn up for battle:behind enemy lines.
- a thread, string, cord, rope, cable, etc., as a clothesline, or a cord with a hook for fishing.
- Nautical, Naval Termsa pipe or hose:A steam line had ruptured in the submarine's engine room.
- Sporteither of the two front rows of football players who are lined up opposite each other at the start of a play.
v. - Sport[Baseball.]to hit a line drive: [~ + object]He lined the ball into left field.[no object]He lined to left his next time at bat.
- [~ + object] to mark with a line or lines.
- to form a line along:[~ + object]Rocks lined the drive.
- Clothing[~ + object] to apply liner to (the eyes).
- line up:
- to obtain for use;
secure; make available: [~ + up + object]What entertainment did you line up?[~ + object + up]He lined them up six months ago. - to (cause to) take a position in a line:[no object]We lined up at the ticket office.[~ + up + object]The sergeant lined up his troops.[~ + object + up]The sergeant lined his troops up.
Idioms- Idioms down the line:
- in every way;
thoroughly; completely:They promised to back me down the line. - in the future:We'll use your plan down the line when things improve financially.
- Idioms draw the line, to impose or establish a restriction or limit:They draw the line at drinking before noon.
- Idioms hold the line, to maintain the current situation:to hold the line on price increases.
- Idioms in line:
- in the proper direction or alignment;
straight:The four wheels are in line. - Idiomsin agreement with or in proportion to (some standard):brought our inflation rate in line with the rest of Europe.
- under control:kept his squirming children in line during the long opera.
- arranged one behind the other;
in a row:We have been waiting in line since six in the morning.
- in line for, in a position to become:She was in line for president.
- Idioms into line:
- into a straight row:Get your soldiers into line.
- into agreement with or in proportion to (some standard):to bring manufacturing prices into line.
- Idioms lay it on the line, [Informal.]to say, tell, or give information directly and honestly.
- Idioms off line:
- occurring or functioning away from the central work location, as an assembly line.
- not in operation;
not functioning. - not actively linked to a computer or central computer.
- on line:
- on or part of an assembly line.
- in or into operation.
- actively linked to a computer.
- Idioms on the line:
- in a dangerous or risky position:He had put his reputation on the line.
- Idioms, Informal Terms out of line:
- not in a straight line:The tires had worn and were now out of line.
- disrespectful;
behaving badly:You're way out of line, criticizing his wife like that.
- read between the lines, to understand, uncover, or discover a meaning hinted at but not said directly.
See -lin-.line2 /laɪn/USA pronunciation v. [~ + object], lined, lin•ing. - to cover the inner side or surface of:to line a coat with blue silk.
- to cover:Bookcases lined the wall.
See -lin-. WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024line1 (līn),USA pronunciation n., v., lined, lin•ing. n. - a mark or stroke long in proportion to its breadth, made with a pen, pencil, tool, etc., on a surface:a line down the middle of the page.
- Mathematicsa continuous extent of length, straight or curved, without breadth or thickness;
the trace of a moving point. - Mechanical Engineeringsomething arranged along a line, esp. a straight line;
a row or series:a line of trees. - a number of persons standing one behind the other and waiting their turns at or for something;
queue. - something resembling a traced line, as a band of color, a seam, or a furrow:lines of stratification in rock.
- a furrow or wrinkle on the face, neck, etc.:lines around the eyes.
- an indication of demarcation;
boundary; limit:the county line; a fine line between right and wrong. - Printinga row of written or printed letters, words, etc.:a page of 30 lines.
- Poetrya verse of poetry:A line in iambic pentameter contains five feet.
- Show BusinessUsually, lines. the words of an actor's part in a drama, musical comedy, etc.:to rehearse one's lines.
- a short written message:Drop me a line when you're on vacation.
- Transporta system of public conveyances, as buses or trains, plying regularly over a fixed route:the northbound line at State Street.
- Transporta transportation or conveyance company:a steamship line.
- a course of direction;
route:the line of march down Main Street. - a course of action, procedure, thought, policy, etc.:That newspaper follows the communist line.
- a piece of pertinent or useful information (usually fol. by on):I've got a line on a good used car.
- a series of generations of persons, animals, or plants descended from a common ancestor:a line of kings.
- a department of activity;
occupation or business:What line are you in? - Informal Termsa mode of conversation, esp. one that is glib or exaggerated in order to impress or influence another person:He really handed her a line about his rich relatives.
- Ophthalmologya straight line drawn from an observed object to the fovea of the eye.
- lines:
- the outer form or proportions of a ship, building, etc.:a ship of fine lines.
- a general form, as of an event or something that is made, which may be the basis of comparison, imitation, etc.:two books written along the same lines.
- a person's lot or portion:to endure the hard lines of poverty.
- British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]a certificate of marriage.
- Geographya circle of the terrestrial or celestial sphere:the equinoctial line.
- Journalismbanner (def. 7).
- Fine Art
- a mark made by a pencil, brush, or the like, that defines the contour of a shape, forms hatching, etc.
- the edge of a shape.
- Radio and Television[Television.]one scanning line.
- Telecommunications
- a telephone connection:Please hold the line.
- a wire circuit connecting two or more pieces of electric apparatus, esp. the wire or wires connecting points or stations in a telegraph or telephone system, or the system itself.
- Geography the line, the equator.
- Business, Clothinga stock of commercial goods of the same general class but having a range of styles, sizes, prices, or quality:the company's line of shoes.
- an assembly line.
- Lawa limit defining one estate from another;
the outline or boundary of a piece of real estate. - Games[Bridge.]a line on a score sheet that separates points scored toward game (below the line) from points scored by setting a contract, having honors, etc.(above the line).
- [Music.]any of the straight, horizontal, parallel strokes of the staff, or one placed above or below the staff.
- Military
- a defensive position or front.
- a series of fortifications:the Maginot line.
- MilitaryUsually, lines. a distribution of troops, sentries, etc., for the defense of a position or for an attack:behind the enemy's lines.
- the body of personnel constituting the combatant forces of an army, as distinguished from the supply services and staff corps.
- Militaryan arrangement of troops of an army or of ships of a fleet as drawn up for battle:line of battle.
- Militarya body or formation of troops or ships drawn up abreast (distinguished from column).
- Militarythe class of officers serving with combatant units or warships.
- Militarythe regular forces of an army or navy.
- that part of an administrative organization consisting of persons actively engaged on a given project. Cf. staff1 (def. 4).
- a thread, string, cord, rope, or the like.
- a clothesline:the wash hanging on the line.
- a cord, wire, or the like, used for measuring or as a guide.
- [Naut.]
- Naval Termsa pipe or hose:a steam line.
- Naval Termsa rope or cable used at sea.
- Slang Termsa small quantity of cocaine arranged in the form of a slender thread or line, as for sniffing.
- ClothingAlso, ligne. a unit, 1⁄40 inch (0.635 millimeter), for measuring the diameter of buttons.
- Sport[Angling.]a length of nylon, silk, linen, cord, or the like, to which are attached the leader, hook, sinker, float, etc.
- Sport[Football.]
- either of the two front rows of opposing players lined up opposite each other on the line of scrimmage:a four-man line.
- See line of scrimmage.
- Sportthe betting odds established by bookmakers for events not covered by pari-mutuel betting, esp. sporting events, as football or basketball.
- Sport[Ice Hockey.]the two wings and center who make up a team's offensive unit.
- Sport[Fencing.]any of the four divisions of the portion of a fencer's body on which a touch can be scored, taken as an area of attack or defense.
- Textilesthe longer and preferred flax or hemp fibers. Cf. tow2 (def. 2).
- Sport[Fox Hunting.]the trail of scent left by a fox.
- Weights and Measuresa unit of length equivalent to 1⁄12 inch (2.12 millimeters).
- Business[Insurance.]
- a class or type of insurance:casualty line.
- the amount of insurance written for a particular risk.
- British Terms[Australian Slang.]a girl or woman.
- Idioms bring, come, or get into line:
- to become or cause to become straight, as in a row:The members of the marching band got into line.
- to conform or cause to conform or agree:They were persuaded to come into line with the party's policy.
- Idioms down the line:
- in all ways;
thoroughly; fully:It's a fine house right down the line—well-built, roomy, attractive. - in the future.
- Idioms draw the line, to impose a restriction;
limit:They might exaggerate but would draw the line at outright lying. - Show Business, British Terms, Idioms go up in one's lines, [U.S.]Theat. to forget one's part during a performance. Also,[Brit.,] go up on one's lines.
- Idioms hold the line, to maintain the status quo, esp. in order to forestall unfavorable developments:We're trying to hold the line on prices.
- Idioms in line:
- in alignment;
straight. - Idiomsin conformity or agreement.
- Idiomsin control (of one's conduct):to keep one's temper in line.
- prepared;
ready. - Idiomswaiting one behind the other in a queue:There were eight people in line at the teller's window.
- Idioms in line with, in agreement or conformity with:The action taken was in line with her decision.
- Idioms in the line of duty, in the execution of the duties belonging to some occupation, esp. with regard to the responsibility for life and death:a policeman wounded in the line of duty.Also, in line of duty.
- Informal Terms lay it on the line:
- to give money;
pay. - to give the required information;
speak directly or frankly:I'm going to stop being polite and lay it on the line.
- Idioms off line:
- occurring or functioning away from an assembly line, work process, etc.
- not in operation;
not functioning.
- Sport on a line, [Baseball.](of a batted or thrown ball) through the air in an approximately straight line from the point of impact or delivery:hit on a line between third and short; thrown in on a line from the center fielder.
- on line:
- on or part of an assembly line:Production will be improved when the new welding equipment is on line.
- in or into operation:The manufacturing facilities will be on line before November.
- [Computers.]actively linked to a computer:The printer is not yet on line.
- Dialect Terms[Chiefly New York City.]See line 1 (def. 60e).
- Informal Terms, Idioms on the line:
- being risked or put in jeopardy;
in a vulnerable position:Our prestige and honor are on the line. - immediately;
readily:paid cash on the line.
- Idioms out of line:
- not in a straight line.
- Idiomsin disagreement with what is accepted or practiced.
- , Idioms, Informal Terms[Informal.]impertinent;
presumptuous:That last remark was out of line.
- Idioms read between the lines, to understand the unexpressed but implied meaning of something said or written:Her letter sounded cheerful enough, but I read a certain sadness between the lines.
- Idioms toe the line or mark:
- to conform strictly to a rule, command, etc.
- to shoulder responsibilities;
do one's duty:He tried hard to toe the line on the new job.
v.i. - to take a position in a line;
range (often fol. by up):to line up before the start of a parade. - Sport[Baseball.]
- to hit a line drive.
- to line out.
v.t. - to bring into a line, or into line with others (often fol. by up):to line up troops.
- to mark with a line or lines:to line paper for writing.
- to sketch verbally or in writing;
outline (often fol. by out):We followed the plan he had lined out. - to arrange a line along:to line a coast with colonies.
- to form a line along:Rocks lined the drive.
- to apply liner to (the eyes).
- to delineate with or as if with lines;
draw:to line the silhouette of a person's head. - [Archaic.]to measure or test with a line.
- line out:
- Sport[Baseball.]to be put out by hitting a line drive caught on the fly by a player of the opposing team.
- to execute or perform:He lined out a few songs upon request.
- line up, to secure;
make available:to line up support; to line up a speaker for the banquet.
- Latin, as above
- Old French ligne Latin līnea, noun, nominal use of feminine of līneus flaxen (origin, originally applied to string), equivalent to līn(um) flax (see line2) + -eus -eous, partly continuing Old English līne string, row, series
- Middle English li(g)ne cord, rope, stroke, series, guiding rule, partly bef. 1000
lin′a•ble, line′a•ble, adj. line′less, adj. line′like′, adj. line2 (līn),USA pronunciation v., lined, lin•ing, n. v.t. - to cover the inner side or surface of:to line the coat with blue silk.
- to serve to cover:Velvet draperies lined the walls of the room.
- to furnish or fill:to line shelves with provisions.
- to reinforce the back of a book with glued fabric, paper, vellum, etc.
- Idioms line one's pockets, to make much money, esp. in an illegal or questionable way.
n. - a thickness of glue, as between two veneers in a sheet of plywood.
- Latin līnum flax
- Middle English lynen, derivative of line linen, flax, Old English līn 1350–1400
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: line-up n - a row or arrangement of people or things assembled for a particular purpose: the line-up for the football match
- the members of such a row or arrangement
- an identity parade
vb line up (adverb)- to form, put into, or organize a line-up
- (transitive) to produce, organize, and assemble: they lined up some questions
- (transitive) to align