

单词 knotlike

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
knot1 /nɑt/USA pronunciation   n., v., knot•ted, knot•ting. 
n. [countable]
  1. Naval Terms, Textilesa tying tightly together of the two ends of a cord, rope, or the like into a knob:to tie a knot securely.
  2. a lump of something formed by tying into this shape:a knot of hair on the top of her head.
  3. a tangled mass;
    snarl:combed out the knots in the dog's fur.
  4. a group or cluster of persons or things:a knot of spectators.
  5. Botanythe hard, cross-grained mass of wood at the place where a branch joins a tree trunk;
    a part of this mass showing in a piece of lumber.
  6. Pathologya cramping, as of a muscle.
  7. Nautical
    • Naval Termsa unit of speed equal to one nautical mile or about 1.15 statute miles per hour.
    • Naval Termsa nautical mile.
  8. a bond or tie:the knot of matrimony.

  1. to (cause to) become tied or tangled in a knot: [+ object]He knotted the rope.[no object]The rope is too wet to knot easily.
  2. to (cause to) have a feeling of tension or nervousness (in): [no object]His stomach knotted in fear.[+ object]The excitement knotted his stomach.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
knot1  (not),USA pronunciation n., v., knot•ted, knot•ting. 
  1. Naval Termsan interlacing, twining, looping, etc., of a cord, rope, or the like, drawn tight into a knob or lump, for fastening, binding, or connecting two cords together or a cord to something else.
  2. Clothinga piece of ribbon or similar material tied or folded upon itself and used or worn as an ornament.
  3. a group or cluster of persons or things:a knot of spectators.
  4. Botanythe hard, cross-grained mass of wood at the place where a branch joins the trunk of a tree.
  5. a part of this mass showing in a piece of lumber, wood panel, etc.
  6. Zoology[Anat., Zool.]a protuberance or swelling on or in a part or process, as in a muscle.
  7. Botanya protuberance in the tissue of a plant;
    an excrescence on a stem, branch, or root;
    a node or joint in a stem, esp. when of swollen form.
  8. Plant Diseasesany of various fungal diseases of trees characterized by the formation of an excrescence, knob, or gnarl.
  9. an involved, intricate, or difficult matter;
    complicated problem.
  10. Nautical
    • Naval Termsa unit of speed equal to one nautical mile or about 1.15 statute miles per hour.
    • Naval Termsa unit of 47 feet 3 inches (13.79 meters) on a log line, marked off by knots.
    • Naval Termsa nautical mile.
  11. a bond or tie:the knot of matrimony.
  12. Also called joint, node. [Math.]in interpolation, one of the points at which the values of a function are assigned.
  13. Idioms tie the knot, [Informal.]to marry:They will tie the knot in November.

  1. to tie in a knot;
    form a knot in.
  2. to secure or fasten by a knot.
  3. to form protuberances, bosses, or knobs in;
    make knotty.

  1. to become tied or tangled in a knot.
  2. to form knots or joints.
  • bef. 1000; (noun, nominal) Middle English knot(te), Old English cnotta; cognate with Dutch knot, German knoten to knit; (verb, verbal) Middle English, derivative of the noun, nominal
knotless, adj. 
knotlike′, adj. 
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged company, band, crew, gang, crowd.
    • 7.See corresponding entry in Unabridged lump, knob, gnarl.
    • 9.See corresponding entry in Unabridged perplexity, puzzle, conundrum.

knot2  (not),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Birdseither of two large sandpipers, Calidris canutus or C. tenuirostris, that breed in the Arctic and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. Also called grayback. 
  • 1425–75; late Middle English; origin, originally uncertain





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