

单词 knackered

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
knack•ered  (nakərd),USA pronunciation adj. [Brit. Slang.]
  1. British Termsexhausted;
    very tired:He is really knackered after work.
  • 1885–90; knacker to tire (attenuation of earlier sense "to kill''; compare knacker def. 1) + -ed2

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
knackered /ˈnækəd/ adj Brit slang
  1. exhausted; tired out
  2. worn out; no longer working, esp after long or hard use
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
knack•er  (nakər),USA pronunciation n. [Brit.]
  1. Ancient History, British Termsa person who buys animal carcasses or slaughters useless livestock for a knackery or rendering works.
  2. British Termsa person who buys and dismembers old houses, ships, etc., to salvage usable parts, selling the rest as scrap.
  3. British Terms[Dial.]an old, sick, or useless farm animal, esp. a horse.
  4. British Terms[Obs.]a harness maker;
    a saddler.
  • Scandinavian; compare Icelandic hnakkr nape of the neck, saddle) + -er1
  • knack (1565–75

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
knacker /ˈnækə/ Brit n
  1. a person who buys up old horses for slaughter
  2. a person who buys up old buildings and breaks them up for scrap
  3. Irish slang a despicable person
  1. (tr; usually passive) slang to exhaust; tire
Etymology: 16th Century: probably from nacker saddler, probably of Scandinavian origin; compare Old Norse hnakkur saddle




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