

单词 king of kings

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
king of kings, 
  1. Governmenta king having other kings subject to him.
  • Middle English 1350–1400

King of kings, 
    1. ReligionChrist;
    2. ReligionGod;
    Also, King of Kings. 
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
king /kɪŋ/USA pronunciation   n. [countable]
  1. Governmenta male sovereign who usually has inherited the position from his parents:the king of Sweden.[used as a title]King Henry VIII ruled England in the 16th century.
  2. a person or thing best in its class:The king of the jungle is supposed to be the lion.
  3. Gamesa playing card with a picture of a king.
  4. Chessthe chief chess piece of each color, whose capture is the object of the game.
  5. Chessa checker piece that has been moved entirely across the board and has been crowned, thus allowing it to be moved in any direction.
king•ly, adj., -li•er, -li•est, adv. 
king•ship, n. [uncountable]]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
king  (king),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Governmenta male sovereign or monarch;
    a man who holds by life tenure, and usually by hereditary right, the chief authority over a country and people.
  2. Religion(cap.) God or Christ.
  3. a person or thing preeminent in its class:a king of actors.
  4. Gamesa playing card bearing a picture of a king.
  5. Chessthe chief piece of each color, whose checkmating is the object of the game;
    moved one square at a time in any direction.
  6. Chessa piece that has been moved entirely across the board and has been crowned, thus allowing it to be moved in any direction.
  7. Insects[Entomol.]a fertile male termite.
  8. Telecommunicationsa word formerly used in communications to represent the letter K.

  1. Governmentto make a king of;
    cause to be or become a king;
  2. Informal Termsto design or make (a product) king-size:The tobacco company is going to king its cigarettes.

  1. Governmentto reign as king.
  2. king it, to play the king;
    behave in an imperious or pretentious manner:He kinged it over all the other kids on the block.

  1. Informal Termsking-size.
  • bef. 900; Middle English; Old English cyng, cyni(n)g; cognate with German König, Dutch koning, Old Norse konungr, Swedish konung, Danish konge. See kin, -ing3
kingless, adj. 
kingless•ness, n. 
kinglike′, adj. 

King  (king),USA pronunciation n. 
    Billie Jean (Mof•fitt)  (mofit),USA pronunciation born 1943, U.S. tennis player.
  1. Biographical Clarence, 1842–1901, U.S. geologist and cartographer.
  2. Biographical Ernest Joseph, 1878–1956, U.S. naval officer.
  3. Biographical Martin Luther, Jr., 1929–68, U.S. Baptist minister: civil-rights leader; Nobel peace prize 1964.
  4. Biographical Richard, 1825–85, U.S. rancher and steamboat operator.
  5. Biographical Riley B. ("B.B.''), born 1925, U.S. blues singer and guitarist.
  6. Biographical Rufus, 1755–1827, U.S. political leader and statesman.
  7. Biographical Stephen, born 1947, U.S. novelist and short-story writer.
  8. Biographical William Lyon Mackenzie, 1874–1950, Canadian statesman: prime minister 1921–26, 1926–30, 1935–48.
William Rufus De•Vane  (də vān),USA pronunciation 1786–1853, vice president of the U.S. 1853.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
king /kɪŋ/ n
  1. a male sovereign prince who is the official ruler of an independent state; monarch
    Related adjective(s): royal, regal
  2. a ruler or chief: king of the fairies
  3. (in combination): the pirate king
  4. a person, animal, or thing considered as the best or most important of its kind
  5. (as modifier): a king bull
  6. any of four playing cards in a pack, one for each suit, bearing the picture of a king
  7. the most important chess piece, although theoretically the weakest, being able to move only one square at a time in any direction
  8. a piece that has moved entirely across the board and has been crowned, after which it may move backwards as well as forwards
  9. king of kingsGod
  10. a title of any of various oriental monarchs
vb (transitive)
  1. to make (someone) a king
  2. king itto act in a superior fashion
Etymology: Old English cyning; related to Old High German kunig king, Danish konge

ˈkingˌhood n ˈkingˌlike adj




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