

单词 acceptor

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
ac•cep•tor  (ak septər),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. accepter.
  2. Business[Finance.]a person who accepts a draft or bill of exchange, esp. the drawee who signs the draft or bill, confirming a willingness to pay it when due.
  3. PhysicsAlso called acceptor at′om, acceptor impu′rity. an atom of impurity in a semiconducting crystal such that the atom can capture an electron, creating a hole in a filled electron shell and thereby changing the electric conductivity of the crystal.
  4. Chemistryan atom, ion, group of atoms, or compound that combines with, or accepts, another entity, thereby profoundly affecting physical and chemical properties:electron acceptor; water acceptor.
  • Latin acceptor, equivalent. to accep-, variant stem of accipere to receive, get (see accept) + -tor -tor
  • Anglo-French acceptour)
  • 1350–1400; Middle English, in phrase acceptour of persones; accept + -or2, or (

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
acceptor /əkˈsɛptə/ n
  1. the person or organization on which a draft or bill of exchange is drawn after liability has been accepted, usually by signature

  2. Also called: acceptor impurity an impurity, such as gallium, added to a semiconductor material to increase its p-type conductivity by increasing the number of holes in the semiconductor




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