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WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024in•suf•flate (in suf′lāt, in′sə flāt′),USA pronunciation v.t., -flat•ed, -flat•ing. - to blow or breathe (something) in.
- [Med.]to blow (air or a medicinal substance) into some opening or upon some part of the body.
- Religion[Eccles.]to breathe upon, esp. upon one being baptized or upon the water of baptism.
- Late Latin insufflātus past participle of insufflāre to blow into or on. See in-2, sufflate
- 1650–60
in′suf•fla′tion, n. in′suf•fla′tor, n. Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: insufflate /ˈɪnsʌˌfleɪt/ vb - (transitive) to breathe or blow (something) into (a room, area, etc)
- to blow (air, medicated powder, etc) into the lungs or into a body cavity
- (transitive) to breathe or blow upon (someone or something) as a ritual or sacramental act, esp so as to symbolize the influence of the Holy Spirit
ˌinsufˈflation n ˈinsufˌflator n |