

单词 healing

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
heal•ing  (hēling),USA pronunciation adj. 
  1. curing or curative;
    prescribed or helping to heal.
  2. growing sound;
    getting well;

  1. the act or process of regaining health:a new drug to accelerate healing.
  • Middle English heelyng (adjective, adjectival), helynge (noun, nominal), Old English hǣlinge (noun, nominal). See heal, -ing2, -ing1 bef. 1000
healing•ly, adv. 

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
heal /hil/USA pronunciation   v. 
  1. Medicineto (cause to) become healthy or well again: [+ object]This medicine should heal that sore on your leg.[no object]When will my leg heal?
  2. to repair or take care of;
    settle:[+ object]Only time will heal my broken heart.
heal•er, n. [countable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
heal  (hēl),USA pronunciation v.t. 
  1. Medicineto make healthy, whole, or sound;
    restore to health;
    free from ailment.
  2. to bring to an end or conclusion, as conflicts between people or groups, usually with the strong implication of restoring former amity;
    reconcile:They tried to heal the rift between them but were unsuccessful.
  3. to free from evil;
    purify:to heal the soul.

  1. to effect a cure.
  2. Physiology(of a wound, broken bone, etc.) to become whole or sound;
    get well (often fol. by up or over).
  • Middle English helen, Old English hǣlan (cognate with Dutch helen, German heilen, Old Norse heila, Gothic hailjan), derivative of hāl hale1, whole bef. 900
heala•ble, adj. 
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See cure. 
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged compose, soothe.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged purge, disinfect.
    • 1, 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged irritate.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged soil, infect.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
heal /hiːl/ vb
  1. to restore or be restored to health
  2. (intr; often followed by over or up) (of a wound, burn, etc) to repair by natural processes, as by scar formation
  3. (transitive) to cure (a disease or disorder)
  4. to restore or be restored to friendly relations, harmony, etc
Etymology: Old English hælan; related to Old Norse heila, Gothic hailjan, Old High German heilen; see hale1, whole

ˈhealer n ˈhealing n , adj




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