

单词 hardness

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
hard•ness  (härdnis),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. the state or quality of being hard:the hardness of ice.
  2. a relative degree or extent of this quality:wood of a desirable hardness.
  3. Chemistrythat quality in water that is imparted by the presence of dissolved salts, esp. calcium sulfate or bicarbonate.
  4. unfeelingness or jadedness;
  5. harshness or austerity, as of a difficult existence.
  6. Dialect Terms[South Midland U.S.]ill will;
    bad feelings:There's a lot of hardness between those two boys.
  7. Mineralogythe comparative ability of a substance to scratch or be scratched by another. Cf. Mohs scale.
  8. Metallurgythe measured resistance of a metal to indention, abrasion, deformation, or machining.
  • Middle English hardnes, Old English heardnes. See hard, -ness bef. 900

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
hard /hɑrd/USA pronunciation   adj. andadv., -er, -est. 
  1. not soft;
    solid and firm to the touch:The rock felt hard in his fist.
  2. firmly formed;
    tight:a hard knot.
  3. difficult to do or accomplish;
    troublesome:a hard task.[It + be + ~ + to + verb]It was hard to do that task.[be + ~ + to + verb]You are hard to please.
  4. involving a great deal of effort or energy:hard labor.
  5. performing or carrying on work with great effort or energy:a hard worker.
  6. violent in force;
    severe:took a hard fall.
  7. unfortunate:hard luck.
  8. harsh;
    cruel:hard treatment; a hard taskmaster.[be + ~ + on + object]Don't be so hard on your kids.
  9. severe;
    austere:a hard winter.
  10. difficult to explain away:[before a noun]hard facts.
  11. factual or definitely true:[before a noun]hard information.
  12. resentful;
    bitter:[before a noun]hard feelings.
  13. examining closely;
    searching:[before a noun]took a hard look at our finances.
  14. lacking delicacy or softness;
    sharp:a face with hard features.
  15. severe or demanding in terms:[before a noun]a hard bargain.
  16. Chemistry(of water) containing mineral salts that interfere with the action of soap.
  17. Economics[usually: before a noun] in coins or paper money as distinguished from checks, etc.:hard cash.
  18. Business(of paper money) backed by gold reserves:hard currency.
  19. Wine(of alcoholic beverages)
    • containing more than 22.5 percent alcohol by volume.
  20. Drugs[before a noun] (of an illegal narcotic or drug) causing physical addiction.
  21. Phonetics(of the letters c and g) pronounced as (k) in come and (g) in go.

  1. with great exertion:to work hard.
  2. intently or critically:to look hard at a decision.
  3. harshly or severely:workers were hit hard by the recession.
  4. so as to be solid, tight, or firm:The ice was frozen hard.
  5. in a deeply emotional manner:He took the news very hard.
  1. Idioms hard by, near;
    in close proximity to.
  2. Idioms hard put, [be + ~] barely able:We are hard put to pay the rent.

hard•ness, n. [uncountable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
hard  (härd),USA pronunciation adj., -er, -est, adv., -er, -est, n. 
  1. not soft;
    solid and firm to the touch;
    unyielding to pressure and impenetrable or almost impenetrable.
  2. firmly formed;
    tight:a hard knot.
  3. difficult to do or accomplish;
    troublesome:a hard task.
  4. difficult or troublesome with respect to an action, situation, person, etc.:hard to please; a hard time.
  5. difficult to deal with, manage, control, overcome, or understand:a hard problem.
  6. involving a great deal of effort, energy, or persistence:hard labor; hard study.
  7. performing or carrying on work with great effort, energy, or persistence:a hard worker.
  8. vigorous or violent in force;
    severe:a hard rain; a hard fall.
  9. bad;
    unbearable:hard luck.
  10. oppressive;
    rough:hard treatment.
  11. austere;
    severe:a hard winter; the hard times of the Great Depression.
  12. harsh or severe in dealing with others:a hard master.
  13. difficult to explain away;
    undeniable:hard facts.
  14. that can be verified;
    factual, as distinguished from speculation or hearsay:hard information.
  15. harsh or unfriendly;
    bitter:hard feelings; hard words.
  16. of stern judgment or close examination;
    searching:a hard look.
  17. lacking delicacy or softness;
    not blurred or diffused;
    clear and distinct;
    harsh:a hard line; hard features;a hard face.
  18. Photography(of a photograph) contrasty.
  19. severe or rigorous in terms:a hard bargain.
  20. sternly realistic;
    unsentimental:a hard, practical man; a hard view of life.
  21. incorrigible;
    tough:a hard character.
  22. [Scot. and North Eng.]niggardly;
  23. Economicsin coins or paper money as distinguished from checks, securities, promissory notes, or other negotiable instruments).
  24. Economics, Business(of paper money or a monetary system) supported by sufficient gold reserves and easily convertible into the currency of a foreign nation.
  25. Banking(of money) scarce or available at high interest rates:a hard loan.
  26. Businessdenoting assets with intrinsic value, as gold, silver, or diamonds.
  27. (of alcoholic beverages)
    • containing more than 22.5 percent alcohol by volume, as whiskey and brandy as opposed to beer and wine.
    • strong because of fermentation;
      intoxicating:hard cider.
  28. Wine(of wine) tasting excessively of tannin.
  29. Drugs(of an illicit narcotic or drug) known to be physically addictive, as opium, morphine, or cocaine.
  30. Chemistry(of water) containing mineral salts that interfere with the action of soap.
  31. (of bread and baked goods)
    • having a firm, crisp crust or texture:hard rolls.
    • stale or tough.
  32. Textiles(of a fabric) having relatively little nap;
    smooth:Silk is a harder fabric than wool or cotton.
  33. Rocketry(of the landing of a rocket or space vehicle) executed without decelerating:a hard landing on the moon.Cf. soft (def. 28).
  34. (of a missile base) equipped to launch missiles from underground silos.
  35. (of a missile) capable of being launched from an underground silo.
  36. [Mil.]being underground and strongly protected from nuclear bombardment.
  37. Agriculturenoting wheats with high gluten content, milled for a bread flour as contrasted with pastry flour.
  38. Phonetics
    • fortis.
    • (of c and g) pronounced as (k) in come and (g) in go, rather than as in cent, cello, suspicion, gem, or beige.
    • (of consonants in Slavic languages) not palatalized. Cf. soft (def. 26).
  39. Textiles(in the making of rope) noting a lay having a considerable angle to the axis of the rope;
  40. Physics(of a beam of particles or photons) having relatively high energy:hard x-rays.Cf. soft (def. 29).
  41. Physiology(of the penis) erect.
  42. hard of hearing. See hearing-impaired. 
  43. hard up, [Informal.]
    • urgently in need of money.
    • feeling a lack or need:The country is hard up for technicians and doctors.

  1. with great exertion;
    with vigor or violence;
    strenuously:to work hard; to try hard.
  2. earnestly, intently, or critically:to look hard at a thing.
  3. harshly or severely.
  4. so as to be solid, tight, or firm:frozen hard.
  5. with strong force or impact:She tripped and came down hard on her back.
  6. in a deeply affected manner;
    with genuine sorrow or remorse:She took it very hard when they told her of his death.
  7. closely;
    immediately:Failure and defeat seemed hard at hand. The decision to ban students from the concerts followed hard on the heels of the riot.
  8. to an unreasonable or extreme degree;
    immoderately:He's hitting the bottle pretty hard.
  9. Nautical, Naval Termsclosely, fully, or to the extreme limit:hard aport; hard alee.
  10. be hard on, to deal harshly with;
    be stern:You are being too hard on him.
  11. hard by, in close proximity to;
    near:The house is hard by the river.
  12. hard put, in great perplexity or difficulty;
    at a loss:We were hard put to finish the examination in one hour.

  1. Nautical, Naval Termsa firm or paved beach or slope convenient for hauling vessels out of the water.
  2. [Brit.]
    • a firm or solid beach or foreshore.
    • a firm landing, jetty, or road across or adjoining the foreshore.
  3. [Brit. Slang.]See hard labor. 
  • bef. 900; Middle English; Old English heard; cognate with Dutch hard, German hart, Old Norse harthr, Gothic hardus; akin to Greek kratýs strong, Ionic dialect, dialectal kártos strength (compare -cracy)
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged inflexible, rigid, compressed, compact, dense, resisting, adamantine, flinty. See firm 1.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged toilsome, burdensome, wearisome, exhausting. Hard, difficult both describe something resistant to one's efforts or one's endurance. Hard is the general word:hard times; It was hard to endure the severe weather.Difficult means not easy, and particularly denotes that which requires special effort or skill:a difficult task.
    • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged complex, complicated, perplexing, puzzling, intricate, knotty, tough.
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged arduous, onerous, laborious.
    • 8.See corresponding entry in Unabridged stormy, tempestuous.
    • 10.See corresponding entry in Unabridged severe, rigorous, grinding, cruel, merciless, unsparing.
    • 12.See corresponding entry in Unabridged stern, austere, strict, exacting, relentless, obdurate, adamant; unyielding, unpitying. Hard, callous, unfeeling, unsympathetic imply a lack of interest in, feeling for, or sympathy with others. Hard implies insensibility, either natural or acquired, so that the plight of others makes no impression on one:a hard taskmaster.Callous may mean the same or that one is himself or herself insensitive to hurt as the result of continued repression and indifference:a callous answer; callous to criticism.Unfeeling implies natural inability to feel with and for others:an unfeeling and thoughtless remark.Unsympathetic implies an indifference that precludes pity, compassion, or the like:unsympathetic toward distress.
    • 13.See corresponding entry in Unabridged incontrovertible.
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged soft.
    • 3 –6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged easy.





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