

单词 guinea

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
guinea /ˈɡɪnɪ/ n
  1. a British gold coin taken out of circulation in 1813, worth 21 shillings
  2. the sum of 21 shillings (£1.05), still used in some contexts, as in quoting professional fees
  3. See guinea fowl
Etymology: 16th Century: the coin was originally made of gold from Guinea
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
guin•ea fowl or guin•ea•fowl/ˈgɪni ˌfaʊl/USA pronunciation  n. [countable]
  1. Birdsa large, plump bird originally of Africa, kept for food, having spotted gray coloring.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
Guin•ea  (ginē),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Place Namesa coastal region in W Africa, extending from the Gambia River to the Gabon estuary.
  2. Place NamesFormerly, French Guinea. an independent republic in W Africa, on the Atlantic coast. 7,405,375;
    ab. 96,900 sq. mi. (251,000 sq. km). Cap.: Conakry.
  3. Place Names Gulf of, a part of the Atlantic Ocean that projects into the W coast of Africa and extends from the Ivory Coast to Gabon.
  4. Currency(l.c.) a former money of account of the United Kingdom, equal to 21 shillings: still often used in quoting fees or prices.
  5. Currency, Slang Terms(l.c.) a gold coin of Great Britain issued from 1663 to 1813, with a nominal value of 20 shillings.
  6. Language Varieties, Sport[Slang](disparaging and offensive). a person of Italian birth or descent.
  7. (l.c.) [Horse Racing.]a person who does miscellaneous work in or around a horse stable.
Guine•an, adj., n. 

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
guinea fowl′, 
  1. Birdsany of several African, gallinaceous birds of the subfamily Numidinae, esp. a common species, Numida meleagris, that has a bony casque on the head and dark gray plumage spotted with white and that is now domesticated and raised for its flesh and eggs.
Also, guinea•fowl′. 
  • 1645–55

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
Guinea /ˈɡɪnɪ/ n
  1. a republic in West Africa, on the Atlantic: established as the colony of French Guinea in 1890 and became an independent republic in 1958. Official language: French. Religion: Muslim majority and animist. Currency: franc. Capital: Conakry. Pop: 8 620 000 (2004 est). Area: 245 855 sq km (94 925 sq miles)
  2. (formerly) the coastal region of West Africa, between Cape Verde and Namibe (formerly Moçâmedes; Angola): divided by a line of volcanic peaks into Upper Guinea (between The Gambia and Cameroon) and Lower Guinea (between Cameroon and S Angola)
  3. Gulf of Guineaa large inlet of the S Atlantic on the W coast of Africa, extending from Cape Palmas, Liberia, to Cape Lopez, Gabon: contains two large bays, the Bight of Bonny and the Bight of Benin, separated by the Niger delta
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
guinea fowl, guinea n
  1. any gallinaceous bird, esp Numida meleagris, of the family Numididae of Africa and SW Asia, having a dark plumage mottled with white, a naked head and neck, and a heavy rounded body




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