

单词 gallerylike

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
gal•ler•y /ˈgæləri, ˈgælri/USA pronunciation   n. [countable], pl. -ler•ies. 
  1. Architecturea raised area, often having a sloping floor, in a theater, church, or other public building, used as a place for spectators, exhibits, etc.
  2. Architecture, Show Businessthe uppermost of such areas in a theater, usually containing the cheapest seats.
  3. Show Businessthe persons sitting in such an area in a theater:a shout from the gallery.
  4. any group of spectators or observers, as at a golf match or a legislative session.
  5. Architecturea room, series of rooms, or building for the showing and often the sale of works of art.
  6. a collection or group:a gallery of misfits.
  7. Architecturea long covered area, narrow and open at one or both sides, used esp. as a walkway or corridor.
  8. Architecturea large room or building used for a special purpose:a shooting gallery.
  1. Idioms play to the gallery, to act in a manner intended to impress the general public.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
gal•ler•y  (galə rē, galrē),USA pronunciation n., pl. -ler•ies. 
  1. Architecturea raised area, often having a stepped or sloping floor, in a theater, church, or other public building to accommodate spectators, exhibits, etc.
  2. Architecture, Show Businessthe uppermost of such areas in a theater, usually containing the cheapest seats.
  3. Show Businessthe occupants of such an area in a theater.
  4. the general public, esp. when regarded as having popular or uncultivated tastes.
  5. any group of spectators or observers, as at a golf match, a Congressional session, etc.
  6. Architecturea room, series of rooms, or building devoted to the exhibition and often the sale of works of art.
  7. Architecturea long covered area, narrow and open at one or both sides, used esp. as a walk or corridor.
  8. Architecture, Dialect Terms[Chiefly South Atlantic States.]a long porch or portico;
  9. Architecturea long, relatively narrow room, esp. one for public use.
  10. Architecturea corridor, esp. one having architectural importance through its scale or decorative treatment.
  11. Architecturea raised, balconylike platform or passageway running along the exterior wall of a building inside or outside.
  12. Architecturea large room or building used for photography, target practice, or other special purposes:a shooting gallery.
  13. Fine Arta collection of art for exhibition.
  14. Show Business[Theat.]a narrow, raised platform located beyond the acting area, used by stagehands or technicians to stand on when working.
  15. Nautical, Naval Termsa projecting balcony or structure on the quarter or stern of a vessel.
  16. Furniturean ornamental railing or cresting surrounding the top of a table, stand, desk, etc.
  17. Mininga level or drift.
  18. Civil Engineering, a small tunnel in a dam, mine, or rock, for various purposes, as inspection or drainage.
  19. a passageway made by an animal.
  20. [Fort. Obs.]an underground or covered passage to another part of a fortified position.
  21. Idioms play to the gallery, to attempt to appeal to the popular taste, as opposed to a more refined or esoteric taste:Movies, though still playing mainly to the gallery, have taken their place as a significant art form.
  • Medieval Latin galeria, by dissimilation or suffix replacement from galilea, galilæa galilee
  • Old French galerie
  • late Middle English 1400–50
galler•ied, adj. 
galler•y•like′, adj. 





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