

单词 foliate

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
fo•li•ate  (adj. fōlē it, -āt′;v. fōlē āt′),USA pronunciation adj., v., -at•ed, -at•ing. 
  1. Botanycovered with or having leaves.
  2. like a leaf, as in shape.
  3. ArchitectureAlso, foliated. 
    • ornamented with or composed of foils:foliate tracery.
    • ornamented with representations of foliage:a foliate capital.
  4. Mineralogy, Rocks[Petrol., Mineral.]foliated (def. 2).

  1. to put forth leaves.
  2. to split into thin leaflike layers or laminae.

  1. to shape like a leaf or leaves.
  2. to decorate with foils or foliage.
  3. to form into thin sheets.
  4. to spread over with a thin metallic backing.
  5. Printingto number the folios or leaves, as distinguished from pages, of (a manuscript or book).
  • Latin foliātus leafy. See folium, -ate1
  • 1620–30

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
foliate adj /ˈfəʊlɪɪt; -ˌeɪt/
  1. relating to, possessing, or resembling leaves
  2. in combination: trifoliate
vb /ˈfəʊlɪˌeɪt/
  1. (transitive) to ornament with foliage or with leaf forms such as foils
  2. to hammer or cut (metal) into thin plates or foil
  3. (transitive) to number the leaves of (a book, manuscript, etc)
    Compare paginate
  4. (intransitive) (of plants) to grow leaves
Etymology: 17th Century: from Latin foliātus leaved, leafy




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