

单词 fob off

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
fob off vb (tr, adverb)
  1. to appease or trick (a person) with lies or excuses
  2. to dispose of (goods) by trickery
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
fob1 /fɑb/USA pronunciation   n. [countable]
  1. Clothinga short chain or ribbon attached to a pocket watch.
  2. an ornament on a fob.

fob2 /fɑb/USA pronunciation   v., fobbed, fob•bing. Idioms
  1. fob off:
    • to dispose of or induce someone to take (something inferior);
      palm off: [+ off + object]The car dealer fobbed off an inferior car on the buyer.[+ object + off]He fobbed it off on the buyer.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
fob1  (fob),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Clothinga small pocket just below the waistline in trousers for a watch, keys, change, etc. Cf. watch pocket.
  2. Clothinga short chain or ribbon, usually with a medallion or similar ornament, attached to a watch and worn hanging from a pocket.
  3. the medallion or ornament itself.
  • 1645–55; origin, originally uncertain; compare German dialect, dialectal Fuppe pocket

fob2  (fob),USA pronunciation v.t., fobbed, fob•bing. 
  1. [Archaic.]to cheat;
  2. fob off:
    • to cheat someone by substituting something spurious or inferior;
      palm off (often fol. by on):He tried to fob off an inferior brand on us.
    • to put (someone) off by deception or trickery:She fobbed us off with false promises.
  • 1350–1400; Middle English fobben; cognate with German foppen to delude; compare fob1

f.o.b., [Com.]
  1. Businessfree on board: without charge to the buyer for goods placed on board a carrier at the point of shipment:automobiles shipped f.o.b. Detroit.
Also, F.O.B. 




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