

单词 favour

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
fa•vour  (fāvər),USA pronunciation n., v.t. [Chiefly Brit.]
  1. British Termsfavor.
    See -or 1.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
favour, US favor /ˈfeɪvə/ n
  1. an approving attitude; good will
  2. an act performed out of good will, generosity, or mercy
  3. prejudice and partiality; favouritism
  4. a condition of being regarded with approval or good will (esp in the phrases in favour, out of favour)
  5. a token of love, goodwill, etc
  6. a small gift or toy given to a guest at a party
  7. a badge or ribbon worn or given to indicate loyalty, often bestowed on a knight by a lady
  8. find favour withto be approved of by someone
  9. in favour ofapproving
  10. to the benefit of
  11. (of a cheque, etc) made out to
  12. in order to show preference for
vb (transitive)
  1. to regard with especial kindness or approval
  2. to treat with partiality or favouritism
  3. to support; advocate
  4. to perform a favour for; oblige
  5. to help; facilitate
  6. informal to resemble: he favours his father
  7. to wear habitually: she favours red
  8. to treat gingerly or with tenderness; spare: a footballer favouring an injured leg
Etymology: 14th Century: from Latin, from favēre to protect

ˈfavourer, US ˈfavorer n
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
fa•vor /ˈfeɪvɚ/USA pronunciation  n. 
  1. something done or granted out of goodwill;
    a kind act:[countable]to ask a favor of me.
  2. goodwill;
    friendly regard;
    approval:[uncountable]I wanted to win her favor.
  3. special or preferential treatment;
    partiality:[uncountable]The professor showed favor to certain students.
  4. a small gift or decorative item:[countable]a party favor.
  5. Usually, favors. [plural] sexual intimacy, esp. as permitted by a woman.

v. [+ object]
  1. to regard with favor;
    sanction:How many favor Smith's proposal?
  2. to prefer;
    treat with partiality:The girl thought her father favored her sister.
  3. to show favor to;
    oblige:[+ object (+ with + object)]Will you favor us with a reply?
  4. to be favorable to;
    make easier:The wind favored their journey.
  5. to treat or use gently:favors her sprained ankle.
  6. to aid or support:They favored the party's cause.
  7. to bear a physical resemblance to:He tends to favor his mother's family.
  1. Idioms find favor with, [+ object] to gain the approval of;
    be liked by:The play found favor with the critics.
  2. Idioms in favor of:
    • on the side of;
      in support of:in favor of aid to education.
    • to the advantage of:She transferred out of a big college in favor of the smaller one in her neighborhood.
  3. Idioms in one's favor, to one's credit or advantage:comments made in your favor.
  4. Idioms out of favor, no longer liked or approved of:fashions now out of favor.

Also,[esp. Brit.,] ˈfa•vour. 
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
fa•vor  (fāvər),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration;
    a kind act:to ask a favor.
  2. friendly or well-disposed regard;
    goodwill:to win the favor of the king.
  3. the state of being approved or held in regard:to be in favor at court; styles that are now in favor.
  4. excessive kindness or unfair partiality;
    preferential treatment:to treat some people with favor and others with neglect.
  5. a gift bestowed as a token of goodwill, kind regard, love, etc., as formerly upon a knight by his lady.
  6. a ribbon, badge, etc., worn in evidence of goodwill or loyalty, as by an adherent of a political party.
  7. a small gift or decorative or festive item, as a noisemaker or paper hat, often distributed to guests at a party.
  8. Usually, favors. sexual intimacy, esp. as permitted by a woman.
  9. [Archaic.]a letter, esp. a commercial one.
  10. Idioms find favor with, to gain the favor of;
    be liked by:The play found favor with the opening-night audience.
  11. Idioms in favor of:
    • on the side of;
      in support of:to be in favor of reduced taxation.
    • to the advantage of.
    • (of a check, draft, etc.) payable to:Make out your checks in favor of the corporation.
  12. Idioms in one's favor, to one's credit or advantage:All the comments were in your favor.
  13. Idioms out of favor, no longer liked or approved;
    no longer popular or fashionable:He's out of favor with the president and may soon be fired.

  1. to regard with favor:to favor an enterprise.
  2. to prefer;
    treat with partiality:The father favored his younger son.
  3. to show favor to;
    oblige:The king favored him with an audience.
  4. to be favorable to;
    facilitate:The wind favored their journey.
  5. to deal with, treat, or use gently:to favor a lame leg.
  6. to aid or support:He favored his party's cause with ample funds.
  7. to bear a physical resemblance to* resemble:to favor one's father's side of the family.
Also,[esp. Brit.,] favour. 
  • Latin favōr- (stem of favor) goodwill, equivalent. to fav(ēre) to be favorably inclined + -ōr- -or1
  • Anglo-French, Old French
  • Middle English favo(u)r 1250–1300
favor•er, n. 
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Favor, goodwill imply a kindly regard or friendly disposition shown by an individual or group. Favor may be merely an attitude of mind:to look with favor on a proposal.Goodwill is more active and leads often to outward manifestations of friendly approval:By frequent applause the audience showed its goodwill toward the speaker.
    • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged present.
    • 14.See corresponding entry in Unabridged approve, countenance, sanction.
    • 16.See corresponding entry in Unabridged encourage, patronize.
    • 19.See corresponding entry in Unabridged help, assist.
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged animosity, malice.
    • 14.See corresponding entry in Unabridged disapprove.





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