

单词 fare

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
fare /fɛr/USA pronunciation   n., v., fared, far•ing. 
  1. the price of traveling in a bus, airplane, or other carrier:[countable]special fares for senior citizens.
  2. a person who pays to travel in a vehicle:[countable]The cab driver took her fare to the airport.
  3. food;
    diet:[uncountable]The restaurant serves hearty fare.
  4. something offered to the public, as for entertainment:[uncountable]musical fare of folk songs and country tunes.

v. [no object]
  1. to experience good or bad fortune, treatment, etc.;
    get on:He didn't fare too well on his own.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
fare  (fâr),USA pronunciation n., v., fared, far•ing. 
  1. the price of conveyance or passage in a bus, train, airplane, or other vehicle.
  2. a person or persons who pay to be conveyed in a vehicle;
    paying passenger.
  3. a person who hires a public vehicle and its driver.
  4. food;
    diet:hearty fare.
  5. something offered to the public, for entertainment, enjoyment, consumption, etc.:literary fare.
  6. [Archaic.]state of things.

  1. to experience good or bad fortune, treatment, etc.;
    get on:He fared well in his profession.
  2. to go;
    turn out;
    happen (used impersonally):It fared ill with him.
  3. to go;
  4. to eat and drink:They fared sumptuously.
  • bef. 1000; Middle English faren, Old English faran; cognate with German fahren, Old Norse fara, Gothic faran; akin to emporium, port5, pram2
farer, n. 
    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See food. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
fare /fɛə/ n
  1. the sum charged or paid for conveyance in a bus, train, aeroplane, etc
  2. a paying passenger, esp when carried by taxi
  3. a range of food and drink; diet
vb (intransitive)
  1. to get on (as specified); manage: he fared well
  2. with it as a subject: to turn out or happen as specified: it fared badly with him
  3. archaic to eat: we fared sumptuously
  4. (often followed by forth) archaic to go or travel
Etymology: Old English faran; related to Old Norse fara to travel, Old High German faran to go, Greek poros ford

ˈfarer n




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