

单词 execution

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
ex•e•cu•tion  (ek′si kyo̅o̅shən),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. the act or process of executing.
  2. the state or fact of being executed.
  3. the infliction of capital punishment or, formerly, of any legal punishment.
  4. the process of performing a judgment or sentence of a court:The judge stayed execution of the sentence pending appeal.
  5. a mode or style of performance;
    technical skill, as in music:The pianist's execution of the sonata was consummate.
  6. effective, usually destructive action, or the result attained by it (usually prec. by do):The grenades did rapid execution.
  7. Lawa judicial writ directing the enforcement of a judgment.
  8. Computingthe act of running, or the results of having run, a program or routine, or the performance of an instruction.
  • Latin execūtiōn- (stem of execūtiō). See executive, -ion
  • Middle English execucioun 1250–1300
ex′e•cution•al, adj. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
execution /ˌɛksɪˈkjuːʃən/ n
  1. the act or process of executing
  2. the carrying out or undergoing of a sentence of death
  3. the style or manner in which something is accomplished or performed; technique: as a pianist his execution is poor
  4. the enforcement of the judgment of a court of law
  5. the writ ordering such enforcement
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
ex•e•cute /ˈɛksɪˌkyut/USA pronunciation   v. [+ object], -cut•ed, -cut•ing. 
  1. to carry out; accomplish: to execute a plan.
  2. to perform or do: to execute a handstand.
  3. to put to death according to law:The murderer was executed in the electric chair.
  4. to murder;
    assassinate:The rebel army leaders executed the general.
  5. Computingto run (a computer program) or process (a command):The program is executed by typing RUN at the prompt.
ex•e•cu•tion /ˌɛksɪˈkyuʃən/USA pronunciation  n. [countable* uncountable]See -seq-.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
ex•e•cute  (eksi kyo̅o̅t′),USA pronunciation v., -cut•ed, -cut•ing. 
  1. to carry out;
    accomplish:to execute a plan or order.
  2. to perform or do:to execute a maneuver; to execute a gymnastic feat.
  3. to inflict capital punishment on;
    put to death according to law.
  4. to murder;
  5. to produce in accordance with a plan or design:a painting executed by an unknown artist.
  6. Music and Danceto perform or play (a piece of music).
  7. Law
    • to give effect or force to (a law, decree, judicial sentence, etc.).
    • to carry out the terms of (a will).
    • to transact or carry through (a contract, mortgage, etc.) in the manner prescribed by law;
      complete and give validity to (a legal instrument) by fulfilling the legal requirements, as by signing or sealing.
  8. Computingto run (a program or routine) or to carry out (an instruction in a program).

  1. to perform or accomplish something, as an assigned task.
  2. Sportto perform properly the fundamental moves or mechanics of a sport, game, position, or particular play;
    show smoothness in necessary skills:We just didn't execute defensively.
  • Medieval Latin execūtāre, derivative of Latin execūtus, past participle of ex(s)equī to follow up, carry out (punishment), execute; see ex-1, sequence
  • Old French executer
  • Middle English executen 1350–1400
exe•cut′a•ble, adj. 
exe•cut′er, n. 
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged achieve, complete, finish, consummate.
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See perform. 
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See kill 1.
    • 7.See corresponding entry in Unabridged a. enforce, administer.





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