

单词 exclusivity

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
ex•clu•sive /ɪkˈsklusɪv, -zɪv/USA pronunciation   adj. 
  1. not fitting with another; unable to be used or held at the same time as;
    incompatible: mutually exclusive plans of action.
  2. [+ of] omitting from consideration or account;
    excluding: It was a profit of ten percent, exclusive of taxes.
  3. limited to that which is designated: exclusive attention to business.
  4. [before a noun] shutting out all others from a part or share: The movie company had the exclusive right to film the novel.
  5. expensive or fashionable: an exclusive shop downtown.
  6. not allowing outsiders to be admitted to membership, association, friendship, etc.: an exclusive circle of friends.

n. [countable]
  1. Journalisma news story obtained by a newspaper along with the right to use it first.
ex•clu•sive•ly, adv. 
ex•clu•sive•ness, ex•clu•siv•i•ty /ˌɛkskluˈsɪvɪti/USA pronunciation  n. [uncountable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
ex•clu•sive  (ik sklo̅o̅siv, -ziv),USA pronunciation adj. 
  1. not admitting of something else; incompatible:mutually exclusive plans of action.
  2. omitting from consideration or account (often fol. by of ):a profit of ten percent, exclusive of taxes.
  3. limited to the object or objects designated:exclusive attention to business.
  4. shutting out all others from a part or share:an exclusive right to film the novel.
  5. fashionable;
    stylish:to patronize only the most exclusive designers.
  6. charging comparatively high prices;
    expensive:exclusive shops.
  7. noting that in which no others have a share:exclusive information.
  8. single or sole:the exclusive means of communication between two places.
  9. disposed to resist the admission of outsiders to association, intimacy, etc.:an exclusive circle of intimate friends.
  10. admitting only members of a socially restricted or very carefully selected group:an exclusive club.
  11. excluding or tending to exclude, as from use or possession:exclusive laws.
  12. Grammar(of the first person plural) excluding the person or persons spoken to, as we in We'll see you later. Cf. inclusive (def. 4).

  1. Journalisma piece of news, or the reporting of a piece of news, obtained by a newspaper or other news organization, along with the privilege of using it first.
  2. an exclusive right or privilege:to have an exclusive on providing fuel oil to the area.
  • Medieval Latin exclūsīvus. See exclusion, -ive
  • 1400–50; 1900–05 for def. 13; late Middle English (adjective, adjectival)
ex•clusive•ly, adv. 
ex•clusive•ness, ex•clu•siv•i•ty: (eks′klo̅o̅ sivi tē),USA pronunciation n. 
    • 9.See corresponding entry in Unabridged select, narrow, clannish, snobbish, restrictive, cliquish, illiberal.
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged inclusive.





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