

单词 euchred

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
eu•chred  (yo̅o̅kərd),USA pronunciation adj. [Australian Informal.]
  1. British Termsutterly done in or at the end of one's tether;
  • euchre + -ed2 1865–70

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
eu•chre  (yo̅o̅kər),USA pronunciation n., v., -chred, -chring. 
  1. Games[Cards.]a game played by two, three, or four persons, usually with the 32, but sometimes with the 28 or 24, highest cards in the pack.
  2. Gamesan instance of euchring or being euchred.

  1. Gamesto get the better of (an opponent) in a hand at euchre by the opponent's failure to win three tricks after having made the trump.
  2. Slang Termsto cheat;
  • origin, originally uncertain 1835–45, American.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
euchre /ˈjuːkə/ n
  1. a US and Canadian card game similar to écarté for two to four players, using a poker pack with joker
  2. an instance of euchring another player, preventing him from making his contracted tricks
vb (transitive)
  1. to prevent (a player) from making his contracted tricks
  2. (usually followed by out) US Canadian Austral NZ informal to outwit or cheat
  3. Austral NZ informal to ruin or exhaust
Etymology: 19th Century: of unknown origin




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