

单词 elastically

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
e•las•tic /ɪˈlæstɪk/USA pronunciation   adj. 
  1. capable of returning to its original length or shape after being stretched:elastic stockings.
  2. flexible; adaptable: elastic rules.
  3. bouncy or springy: an elastic step.

  1. Textiles[uncountable] fabric or material that is made elastic, as with strips of rubber.
  2. [countable] rubber band.
e•las•tic•i•ty /ɪlæsˈtɪsɪti, ˌilæs-/USA pronunciation  n. [uncountable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
e•las•tic  (i lastik),USA pronunciation adj. 
  1. capable of returning to its original length, shape, etc., after being stretched, deformed, compressed, or expanded:an elastic waistband; elastic fiber.
  2. spontaneously expansive, as gases.
  3. flexible;
    tolerant:elastic rules and regulations.
  4. springing back or rebounding;
    springy:He walks with an elastic step.
  5. readily recovering from depression or exhaustion;
    buoyant:an elastic temperament.
  6. Business[Econ.]relatively responsive to change, as to a proportionate increase in demand as the result of a decrease in price. Cf. inelastic (def. 2).
  7. Physicsof, pertaining to, or noting a body having the property of elasticity.

  1. Textileswebbing, or material in the form of a band, made elastic, as with strips of rubber.
  2. something made from this material, as a garter.
  3. See rubber band. 
  • Neo-Latin elasticus expanding spontaneously, equivalent. to Greek elast(ós) (late variant of elatós ductile, beaten (of metal), derivative of elaúnein, elân beat out, forge) + -icus -ic
  • 1645–55
e•lasti•cal•ly, adv. 
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged resilient, pliant.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged rigid, inflexible, intolerant, unyielding.





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