

单词 doused

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
douse /daʊs/USA pronunciation   v. [+ object], doused, dous•ing. 
  1. to throw water on:We doused the children with the hose.
  2. to extinguish;
    put out:to douse a candle.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
douse  (dous),USA pronunciation v., doused, dous•ing, n., 
  1. to plunge into water or the like;
    drench:She doused the clothes in soapy water.
  2. to splash or throw water or other liquid on:The children doused each other with the hose.
  3. to extinguish:She quickly doused the candle's flame with her fingertips.
  4. [Informal.]to remove;
  5. [Naut.]
    • Naval Termsto lower or take in (a sail, mast, or the like) suddenly.
    • Naval Termsto slacken (a line) suddenly.
    • Naval Termsto stow quickly.

  1. to plunge or be plunged into a liquid.

  1. British Termsa stroke or blow.
Also, dowse. 
  • origin, originally uncertain 1590–1600

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
douse, dowse /daʊs/ vb
  1. to plunge or be plunged into water or some other liquid; duck
  2. (transitive) to drench with water, esp in order to wash or clean
  3. (transitive) to put out (a light, candle, etc)
  1. an immersion
Etymology: 16th Century: perhaps related to obsolete douse to strike, of obscure origin




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