

单词 disagree

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
dis•a•gree /ˌdɪsəˈgri/USA pronunciation   v. 
  1. to fail to agree;
    differ: [no object][usually: not: be + ~-ing]I'm afraid our conclusions disagree.[+ with + object]The conclusions disagree with the facts.
  2. to differ in opinion;
    dissent:[+ with + object]Three of the judges disagreed with the verdict.
  3. (of the weather, food, etc.) to cause physical discomfort;
    have ill effects on:[+ with + object]Oysters disagree with me.
dis•a•gree•ment, n. [uncountable]The two sides are in disagreement.[countable]We had a violent disagreement.
    Compare agree and disagree when they are followed by a clause, for example, that the earth is round. With agree two structures are possible: [+ with + the statement/claim/etc. + (that) clause]I agree with the statement (or claim, etc.) that the earth is round; and: [+ (that) clause]I agree that the earth is round.With disagree only one structure is possible: [+ with + the statement/claim/etc. + (that) clause]I disagree with the statement (or claim, etc.) that the earth is round.
    disagree is a verb, disagreeable is an adjective, disagreement is a noun:I disagree with you. The weather is disagreeable. We had several disagreements but we finally reached a settlement.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
dis•a•gree  (dis′ə grē),USA pronunciation v.i., -greed, -gree•ing. 
  1. to fail to agree;
    differ:The conclusions disagree with the facts. The theories disagree in their basic premises.
  2. to differ in opinion;
    dissent:Three of the judges disagreed with the verdict.
  3. to quarrel:They disagreed violently and parted company.
  4. to cause physical discomfort or ill effect (usually fol. by with):The oysters disagreed with her. Cold weather disagrees with me.
  • Anglo-French, Middle French desagreer. See dis-1, agree
  • late Middle English 1425–75

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
disagree /ˌdɪsəˈɡriː/ vb ( -grees, -greeing, -greed)(intransitive) often followed by with:
  1. to dissent in opinion (from another person) or dispute (about an idea, fact, etc)
  2. to fail to correspond; conflict
  3. to be unacceptable (to) or unfavourable (for); be incompatible (with): curry disagrees with me
  4. to be opposed (to) in principle




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