

单词 difference

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
dif•fer•ence /ˈdɪfərəns, ˈdɪfrəns/USA pronunciation   n. 
  1. [uncountable] the state or relation of being different;
  2. an instance or point of unlikeness or dissimilarity:[countable]the differences in their behavior.
  3. a significant change in a situation:[uncountable]It made no difference what I said.
  4. a distinguishing characteristic;
    distinctive quality, feature, etc.:[countable]There was a difference in her face after the ordeal.
  5. the degree to which one person or thing differs from another: [countable; usually singular]The difference in their ages is about six months.[uncountable]There isn't much difference between one politician and another.
  6. a disagreement in opinion;
    quarrel:[countable]a strong difference of opinion.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
dif•fer•ence  (difər əns, difrəns),USA pronunciation n., v., -enced, -enc•ing. 
  1. the state or relation of being different;
    dissimilarity:There is a great difference between the two.
  2. an instance or point of unlikeness or dissimilarity:What accounts for the differences in their behavior?
  3. a significant change in or effect on a situation:His tact makes a difference in the way people accept his suggestions.
  4. a distinguishing characteristic;
    distinctive quality, feature, etc.:The difference in the two products is quality.
  5. the degree to which one person or thing differs from another.
  6. the act of distinguishing;
  7. a disagreement in opinion.
  8. a dispute or quarrel.
  9. MathematicsAlso called finite distance. 
    • the amount by which one quantity is greater or less than another.
    • See relative complement. 
    • (of a function f ) an expression of the form f(x + h) - f(x).
  10. a differentia.
  11. Idioms split the difference:
    • to compromise, esp. to make equal concessions.
    • to divide the remainder equally:Let's take half of the cake and let the three of them split the difference.

  1. to cause or constitute a difference in or between;
    make different.
  2. to perceive the difference in or between;
  • Latin differentia, equivalent. to different- carrying different ways (see different) + -ia -ia; see -ence
  • Anglo-French)
  • Middle English (1300–50
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged inconsistency, variation, diversity, imbalance, inequality, divergence, contrast, contrariety. Difference, discrepancy, disparity, dissimilarity imply perceivable unlikeness, variation, or diversity. Difference refers to a lack of identity or a degree of unlikeness:a difference of opinion; a difference of six inches.Discrepancy usually refers to an inconsistency between things that should agree, balance, or harmonize:a discrepancy between the statements of two witnesses.Disparity implies inequality, often where a greater equality might reasonably be expected:a great disparity between the ages of husband and wife.Dissimilarity indicates an essential lack of resemblance between things in some respect comparable:a dissimilarity between social customs in Asia and America.
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See distinction. 
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged similarity, agreement.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
difference /ˈdɪfərəns; ˈdɪfrəns/ n
  1. the state or quality of being unlike
  2. a specific instance of being unlike
  3. a distinguishing mark or feature
  4. a significant change in a situation
  5. a disagreement or argument
  6. a degree of distinctness, as between two people or things
  7. the result of the subtraction of one number, quantity, etc, from another
  8. (of two sets) the set of members of the first that are not members of the second
  9. an addition to the arms of a family to represent a younger branch
  10. make a differenceto have an effect
  11. to treat differently
  12. split the differenceto settle a dispute by a compromise
  13. to divide a remainder equally
  14. with a differencewith some peculiarly distinguishing quality, good or bad




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