

单词 cush

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
cush  (kŏŏsh),USA pronunciation n. [Slang.]
  1. Slang Termsmoney, esp. when reserved for some special use.
  • Arabic kuskus couscous); or a back formation from cushy
  • perh. to be identified with cush sweetened and fried cornmeal (compare Gullah cush, cushcush, ultimately origin, originally uncertain

Cush  (kŏŏsh, kush),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Biblethe eldest son of Ham. Gen. 10:6.
  2. Biblean area mentioned in the Bible, sometimes identified with Upper Egypt.
  3. History, Ancient History, Place NamesKingdom of, an ancient African state in this area;
    part of the region of Nubia (1000 b.c.a.d. 350).
Also, Kush. 
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
Cush, Kush /kʌʃ; kʊʃ/ n
  1. the son of Ham and brother of Canaan (Genesis 10:6)
  2. the country of the supposed descendants of Cush (ancient Ethiopia), comprising approximately Nubia and the modern Sudan, and the territory of southern (or Upper) Egypt




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