

单词 conspiratory

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
con•spir•a•cy /kənˈspɪrəsi/USA pronunciation   n., pl. -cies. 
  1. the act of conspiring:[uncountable]accused of conspiracy in the murder.
  2. a plan made in secret by two or more persons to commit an unlawful or treacherous act:[countable]The conspiracy was to kill the president.
  3. [countable] a group of conspirators.
con•spir•a•tive, adj. 

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
con•spir•a•tor /kənˈspɪrətɚ/USA pronunciation  n. [countable]
  1. a person involved in a conspiracy.
con•spir•a•to•ry /kənˈspɪrəˌtɔri/USA pronunciation  adj. 

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
con•spir•a•cy  (kən spirə sē),USA pronunciation n., pl. -cies. 
  1. the act of conspiring.
  2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
  3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose:He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
  4. Lawan agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
  5. any concurrence in action;
    combination in bringing about a given result.
  • Anglo-French; see conspire, -acy; replacing Middle English conspiracioun; see conspiration
  • Middle English conspiracie, probably 1325–75
con•spira•tive, adj. 
con•spir•a•to•ri•al  (kən spir′ə tôrē əl, -tōr-),USA pronunciation con•spira•to′ry, adj.  con•spir′a•tori•al•ly, adv. 
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged collusion, sedition.
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Conspiracy, plot, intrigue, cabal all refer to surreptitious or covert schemes to accomplish some end, most often an evil one. A conspiracy usually involves a group entering into a secret agreement to achieve some illicit or harmful objective:a vicious conspiracy to control prices.A plot is a carefully planned secret scheme, usually by a small number of persons, to secure sinister ends:a plot to seize control of a company.An intrigue usually involves duplicity and deceit aimed at achieving either personal advantage or criminal or treasonous objectives:the petty intrigues of civil servants.Cabal refers either to a plan by a small group of highly-placed persons to overthrow or control a government, or to the group of persons themselves:a cabal of powerful lawmakers.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
con•spir•a•tor  (kən spirə tər),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. a person who takes part in a conspiracy;
  • Medieval Latin; see conspire, -tor
  • Anglo-French
  • late Middle English conspiratour 1375–1425
    traitor, schemer, conniver.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
conspiracy /kənˈspɪrəsɪ/ n ( pl -cies)
  1. a secret plan or agreement to carry out an illegal or harmful act, esp with political motivation; plot
  2. the act of making such plans in secret

conˈspirator n conspiratorial /kənˌspɪrəˈtɔːrɪəl/, conˈspiratory adj




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