

单词 complexly

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
com•plex /adj. kəmˈplɛks, ˈkɑmplɛks; n. ˈkɑmplɛks/USA pronunciation   adj. 
  1. composed of many related parts: a complex system.
  2. having a complicated arrangement of parts or pieces, often so as to be hard to deal with or understand:complex machinery.

n. [countable]
  1. a complicated group, system, or assembly of related things that form a whole:an apartment complex; a business complex.
  2. Psychologya group of related ideas, desires, and impulses that influence one's attitudes and behavior:He had a complex about dark rooms. She had an inferiority complex.
com•plex•ly, adv. 
com•plex•ness, n. [uncountable]See -plex-.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
com•plex  (adj., v. kəm pleks, kompleks;n. kompleks),USA pronunciation adj. 
  1. composed of many interconnected parts;
    composite:a complex highway system.
  2. characterized by a very complicated or involved arrangement of parts, units, etc.:complex machinery.
  3. so complicated or intricate as to be hard to understand or deal with:a complex problem.
  4. Grammar
    • (of a word) consisting of two parts, at least one of which is a bound form, as childish, which consists of the word child and the bound form -ish.
    • See complex sentence. 
  5. Mathematicspertaining to or using complex numbers:complex methods; complex vector space.

  1. an intricate or complicated association or assemblage of related things, parts, units, etc.:the entire complex of our educational system; an apartment complex.
  2. Psychologya system of interrelated, emotion-charged ideas, feelings, memories, and impulses that is usually repressed and that gives rise to abnormal or pathological behavior.
  3. a fixed idea;
    an obsessive notion.
  4. Mathematics
    • an arbitrary set of elements of a group.
    • a collection of simplexes having specified properties.
  5. ChemistryAlso called coordination compound. a compound in which independently existing molecules or ions of a nonmetal (complexing agent) form coordinate bonds with a metal atom or ion. Cf. ligand (def. 2).
  6. Biochemistryan entity composed of molecules in which the constituents maintain much of their chemical identity:receptor-hormone complex, enzyme-substrate complex.

  1. Biochemistry, Chemistry[Chem.]to form a complex with.

  1. Biochemistry, Chemistry[Chem.]to form a complex.
  • Late Latin complexus totality, complex (Latin: inclusion, grasping, embrace), equivalent. to complect(ere) + -tus suffix of verb, verbal action; reanalysis of the Latin verb, verbal as "to intertwine (completely)'' has influenced sense of the adjective, adjectival
  • Latin complexus, past participle of complectī, complectere to embrace, encompass, include, equivalent. to complect- (see complect) + -tus past participle suffix; (noun, nominal)
  • 1645–55; 1905–10 for def. 7; (adjective, adjectival)
com•plexly, adv. 
com•plexness, n. 
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged knotty, tangled, labyrinthine.
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged network, web, tangle, labyrinth.
    • 2, 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged simple.





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