

单词 carolingian

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
Car•o•lin•gi•an  (kar′ə linjē ən),USA pronunciation adj. 
  1. Ancient Historyof or pertaining to the Frankish dynasty that reigned in France a.d. 751–987, first under Charlemagne, and in Germany until a.d. 911.
  2. Ancient Historypertaining to or designating the arts, script, or culture of the Carolingian period, chiefly characterized by a revival of the forms of classical antiquity modified by ecclesiastical requirements:Carolingian renaissance.

  1. Ancient Historya member of the Carolingian dynasty. Abbr.: Carol.
Also, Carlovingian, Carolinian. 
  • French carlovingien, equivalent. to Medieval Latin Car(o)l(us) + French -ovingien, extracted from mérovingien Merovingian
  • re-formation of earlier Carlovingian (conformed to Medieval Latin Carolus Magnus Charlemagne) 1880–85

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
Carolingian /ˌkærəˈlɪndʒɪən/ adj
  1. of or relating to the Frankish dynasty founded by Pepin the Short, son of Charles Martel, which ruled in France from 751–987 ad and in Germany until 911 ad
  1. a member of the dynasty of the Carolingian Franks

Also called: Carlovingian, Carolinian




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