

单词 carcase

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
car•case  (kärkəs),USA pronunciation n., v.t., -cased, -cas•ing. 
  1. carcass.

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
car•cass /ˈkɑrkəs/USA pronunciation   n. [countable]
  1. the dead body of an animal, esp. of a slaughtered animal.
  2. Slang. the body of a human being:Get your carcass off my desk!

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
car•cass  (kärkəs),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. the dead body of an animal.
  2. [Slang.]the body of a human being, whether living or dead.
  3. the body of a slaughtered animal after removal of the offal.
  4. anything from which life and power are gone:The mining town, now a mere carcass, is a reminder of a past era.
  5. an unfinished framework or skeleton, as of a house or ship.
  6. Furniturethe body of a furniture piece designed for storage, as a chest of drawers or wardrobe, without the drawers, doors, hardware, etc.
  7. the inner body of a pneumatic tire, resisting by its tensile strength the pressure of the air within the tire, and protected by the tread and other parts.

  1. to erect the framework for (a building, ship, etc.).
Also, carcase. 
  • Anglo-French, corresponding to Medieval Latin carcosium; ultimately origin, originally obscure
  • Italian carcassa; replacing Middle English carkeis, carkois
  • Middle French carcasse
  • 1250–1300
carcass•less, adj. 
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See body. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
carcass, carcase /ˈkɑːkəs/ n
  1. the dead body of an animal, esp one that has been slaughtered for food, with the head, limbs, and entrails removed
  2. informal usually facetious or derogatory a person's body
  3. the skeleton or framework of a structure
  4. the remains of anything when its life or vitality is gone; shell
Etymology: 14th Century: from Old French carcasse, of obscure origin




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