

单词 bug

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
bug1 /bʌg/USA pronunciation   n., v., bugged, bug•ging. 
n. [countable]
  1. InsectsAlso called true bug. an insect having sucking mouthparts and thickened, leathery wings in front.
  2. Insects(loosely) any insect.
  3. Informal TermsInformal. a disease, or the microorganism causing the disease:I've got the flu bug.
  4. Informal Terms, Computinga defect, error, or imperfection, as in computer software:Work out the bugs in that program.
  5. Informal Terms[usually singular]
    • a short-lived interest in or enthusiasm for something:He's got the sports-car bug.
    • someone very enthusiastic about a certain subject;
      fan:Someone who is interested in photography is called a camera bug or a shutter bug.
  6. Informal Termsa hidden microphone or other device used to hear or record information, etc.:planted the bug in his suspect's room.

  1. Informal Terms to install a secret listening device in or on:[+ object]The phone was bugged.
  2. Informal Termsto annoy or pester:[+ object]Quit bugging me!
  3. (of the eyes) to bulge:[no object]His eyes bugged out of his head.
  4. Slang Terms bug off, [no object] Slang. to leave or depart (often used as a command):"Come here often?'' he asked from the next barstool. "Bug off!'' she answered.
  1. Idioms put a bug in someone's ear, to give someone a subtle suggestion:put a bug in his ear to start counting up everyone's vacation days.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
bug1  (bug),USA pronunciation n., v., bugged, bug•ging. 
  1. InsectsAlso called true bug, hemipteran, hemipteron. a hemipterous insect.
  2. Insects(loosely) any insect or insectlike invertebrate.
  3. Informal Termsany microorganism, esp. a virus:He was laid up for a week by an intestinal bug.
  4. Informal Terms, Computinga defect or imperfection, as in a mechanical device, computer program, or plan;
    glitch:The test flight discovered the bugs in the new plane.
  5. Informal Terms
    • a person who has a great enthusiasm for something;
      fan or hobbyist:a hi-fi bug.
    • a craze or obsession:He's got the sports-car bug.
  6. Informal Terms
    • a hidden microphone or other electronic eavesdropping device.
    • any of various small mechanical or electrical gadgets, as one to influence a gambling device, give warning of an intruder, or indicate location.
  7. a mark, as an asterisk, that indicates a particular item, level, etc.
  8. Sport[Horse Racing.]the five-pound weight allowance that can be claimed by an apprentice jockey.
  9. Telecommunicationsa telegraph key that automatically transmits a series of dots when moved to one side and one dash when moved to the other.
  10. Games[Poker Slang.]a joker that can be used only as an ace or as a wild card to fill a straight or a flush.
  11. [Print.]a label printed on certain matter to indicate that it was produced by a union shop.
  12. Sportany of various fishing plugs resembling an insect.
  13. British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]a bedbug.
  14. Idioms put a bug in someone's ear, to give someone a subtle suggestion;
    hint:We put a bug in his ear about a new gymnasium.

v.t. Informal. 
  1. Informal Termsto install a secret listening device in (a room, building, etc.) or on (a telephone or other device):The phone had been bugged.
  2. Informal Termsto bother;
    pester:She's bugging him to get her into show business.
  3. bug off, [Slang.]to leave or depart, esp. rapidly:I can't help you, so bug off.
  4. Slang Terms bug out, to flee in panic;
    show panic or alarm.
  • 1615–25; 1885–90 for def. 4; 1910–15 for def. 5a; 1915–20 for def. 15; 1945–50 for def. 16; earlier bugge beetle, apparently alteration of Middle English budde, Old English -budda beetle; sense "leave'' obscurely related to other senses and perh. of distinct origin, originally
    • 16.See corresponding entry in Unabridged nag, badger, harass, plague, needle.

bug2  (bug),USA pronunciation n. [Obs.]
  1. a bogy;
  • Welsh bwg ghost
  • Middle English bugge scarecrow, demon, perh. 1350–1400

Bug  (bug; Pol., Russ. bo̅o̅k),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Place Namesa river in E central Europe, rising in W Ukraine and forming part of the boundary between Poland and Ukraine, flowing NW to the Vistula River in Poland. 450 mi. (725 km) long.
  2. Place Namesa river in SW Ukraine flowing SE to the Dnieper estuary. ab. 530 mi. (850 km) long.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
bug /bʌɡ/ n
  1. any insect of the order Hemiptera, esp any of the suborder Heteroptera, having piercing and sucking mouthparts specialized as a beak (rostrum)
  2. chiefly US Canadian any insect, such as the June bug or the Croton bug
  3. informal a microorganism, esp a bacterium, that produces disease
  4. a disease, esp a stomach infection, caused by a microorganism
  5. informal an obsessive idea, hobby, etc; craze (esp in the phrases get the bug, be bitten by the bug, the bug bites, etc)
  6. informal a person having such a craze; enthusiast
  7. (often plural) informal an error or fault, as in a machine or system, esp in a computer or computer program
  8. informal a concealed microphone used for recording conversations, as in spying
vb (bugs, bugging, bugged) informal
  1. (transitive) to irritate; bother
  2. (transitive) to conceal a microphone in (a room, etc)
  3. (intransitive) US (of eyes) to protrude
Etymology: 16th Century: of uncertain origin; perhaps related to Old English budda beetle
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
Bug /Russian: buk/ n
  1. Also called: Southern Bug a river in E Europe, rising in W Ukraine and flowing southeast to the Dnieper estuary and the Black Sea. Length: 853 km (530 miles)
  2. Also called: Western Bug a river in E Europe, rising in SW Ukraine and flowing northwest to the River Vistula in Poland, forming part of the border between Poland and Ukraine. Length: 724 km (450 miles)




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