

单词 body

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
bod•y /ˈbɑdi/USA pronunciation   n., pl. bod•ies, adj. 
  1. Anatomy[countable]
    • the complete structure of a person, animal, plant, or other organism.
    • Anatomythe main portion of a person or animal, comprising the trunk but not the head, arms, and legs.
    • , Anatomy, Zoologya corpse:The body was cremated.
  2. Nautical, Aeronautics[countable] the main mass of a thing, as the hull of a ship or the section of a car in which passengers are carried.
  3. Physicsa mass, esp. one considered as a whole:[countable]Bodies in motion tend to stay in motion.
  4. the principal part of a speech or document:[countable]You need an introduction and conclusion around the body of your essay.
  5. [countable] an object in space, as a planet or star.
  6. [countable] a group or organization: [the student body.]
  7. a separate and distinct piece of matter:[countable]a foreign body in one's eye.
  8. [uncountable] substance;
    consistency or richness: a wine with good body.
  9. an amount or quantity of:[countable]several large bodies of water in that area.

adj. [before a noun]
  1. of or relating to the body;
    bodily:body parts.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
bod•y  (bodē),USA pronunciation n., pl. bod•ies, v., bod•ied, bod•y•ing, adj. 
  1. Anatomy, Zoologythe physical structure and material substance of an animal or plant, living or dead.
  2. Anatomy, Zoologya corpse;
  3. Architecture, the trunk or main mass of a thing:the body of a tree.
  4. [Anat., Zool.]the physical structure of a human being or animal, not including the head, limbs, and tail;
  5. Architecturethe principal mass of a building.
  6. Transportthe section of a vehicle, usually in the shape of a box, cylindrical container, or platform, in or on which passengers or the load is carried.
  7. Nautical, Naval Termsthe hull of a ship.
  8. Nautical, Aeronautics[Aeron.]the fuselage of a plane.
  9. Printingthe shank of a type, supporting the face. See diag. under type. 
  10. Mathematics[Geom.]a figure having the three dimensions of length, breadth, and thickness;
    a solid.
  11. Physicsa mass, esp. one considered as a whole.
  12. the major portion of an army, population, etc.:The body of the American people favors the president's policy.
  13. the principal part of a speech or document, minus introduction, conclusion, indexes, etc.
  14. a person:She's a quiet sort of body.
  15. Lawthe physical person of an individual.
  16. a collective group:student body; corporate body.
  17. Astronomyan object in space, as a planet or star.
  18. a separate physical mass or quantity, esp. as distinguished from other masses or quantities.
  19. consistency or density;
    substance:This wine has good body. Wool has more body than rayon.
  20. Clothingthe part of a dress that covers the trunk or the part of the trunk above the waist.
  21. Ceramicsthe basic material of which a ceramic article is made.
  22. Idioms in a body, as a group;
    collectively:We left the party in a body.
  23. Idioms keep body and soul together, to support oneself;
    maintain life:Few writers can make enough to keep body and soul together without another occupation.

  1. to invest with or as with a body.
  2. to represent in bodily form (usually fol. by forth).

  1. of or pertaining to the body;
  2. of or pertaining to the main reading matter of a book, article, etc., as opposed to headings, illustrations, or the like.
  • bef. 900; Middle English; Old English bodig; akin to Old High German botah
    • 1, 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Body, carcass, corpse, cadaver agree in referring to a physical organism, usually human or animal. Body refers to the material organism of an individual, human or animal, either living or dead:the muscles in a horse's body; the body of a victim(human or animal). Carcass refers only to the dead body of an animal, unless applied humorously or contemptuously to the human body:a sheep's carcass; Save your carcass.Corpse refers only to the dead body of a human being:preparing a corpse for burial.Cadaver refers to a dead body, usually a corpse, particularly one used for scientific study:dissection of cadavers in anatomy classes.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged substance, bulk.
    • 12.See corresponding entry in Unabridged mass, group, throng, multitude; bulk, preponderance, majority.
    • 12.See corresponding entry in Unabridged handful, scattering, few.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
body /ˈbɒdɪ/ n ( pl bodies)
  1. the entire physical structure of an animal or human being
  2. (as modifier): body odour
  3. the flesh, as opposed to the spirit
  4. the trunk or torso, not including the limbs, head, or tail
  5. a dead human or animal; corpse
  6. the largest or main part of anything: the body of a vehicle, the body of a plant
  7. a separate or distinct mass of water or land
  8. a number of individuals regarded as a single entity; group: the student body, they marched in a body
  9. fullness in the appearance of the hair
  10. the characteristic full quality of certain wines, determined by the density and the content of alcohol or tannin
  11. substance or firmness, esp of cloth
  12. the pigment contained in or added to paint, dye, etc
  13. the opacity of a paint in covering a surface
  14. (in watercolour painting) (as modifier): body colour
  15. an informal or dialect word for a person
  16. keep body and soul togetherto manage to keep alive; survive
vb (bodies, bodying, bodied)(transitive)
  1. (usually followed by forth) to give a body or shape to
Etymology: Old English bodig; related to Old Norse buthkr box, Old High German botah body




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