

单词 blankness

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
blank /blæŋk/USA pronunciation   adj., -er, -est, n., v. 
  1. having no marks:blank paper.
  2. not filled in:a blank check.
  3. with no ornaments or openings: a blank wall.
  4. containing no recorded sound or images: a blank videotape.
  5. expressionless: a blank look on her face.
  6. confused, puzzled, or without understanding: He looked blank when I asked for his ticket.
  7. without thoughts or ideas: My mind went blank.
  8. complete;
    utter:blank stupidity.

n. [countable]
  1. a place where something is lacking;
    an empty space:Her mind is a blank whenever it comes to that episode.
  2. a space in a printed form, etc., to be filled in:Fill in the blanks with your answers.
  3. a printed form containing such spaces:Take the blank to that table, fill it in, and bring it back to me.
  4. a dash put in place of an omitted letter or letters, esp. to avoid writing a word considered profane or obscene.
  5. Militarya cartridge for a gun that has explosive powder inside but no bullet:fired blanks into the air.

v. [+ object]
  1. Informal Termsto keep (an opponent) from scoring in a game:managed to blank the Giants for six innings.
  1. Idioms draw a blank:
    • to be unsuccessful: The detective drew a blank in the investigation.
    • to fail to remember: I drew a blank when she asked me for their phone number.

blank•ly, adv.: She stared blankly at me when I asked her for directions.
blank•ness, n. [uncountable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
blank  (blangk),USA pronunciation adj., -er, -est, n., v. 
  1. (of paper or other writing surface) having no marks;
    not written or printed on:a blank sheet of paper.
  2. not filled in, as a printed form:a blank check.
  3. unrelieved or unbroken by ornament, opening, decoration, etc.:a blank wall.
  4. lacking some usual or completing feature:a blank roll of film.
  5. Sound Reproduction(of a recording medium) containing no previously recorded information:a blank videocassette; a blank floppy disk.Cf. prerecorded.
  6. void of interest, variety, results, etc.:She sometimes occupied her blank days reading detective stories.
  7. showing no attention, interest, or emotion:a blank expression on his face.
  8. disconcerted;
    speechless:He looked blank when I asked him why he applied for the job.
  9. complete;
    unmitigated:blank stupidity.
  10. [Archaic.]white;

  1. a place where something is lacking;
    an empty space:a blank in one's memory.
  2. a space in a printed form, test, etc., to be filled in:Write your name in the blank.
  3. a printed form containing such spaces:Have you filled out one of these blanks?
  4. a dash put in place of an omitted letter, series of letters, etc., esp. to avoid writing a word considered profane or obscene.
  5. Metallurgya piece of metal ready to be drawn, pressed, or machined into a finished object.
  6. Sport[Archery.]the bull's-eye.
  7. the object toward which anything is directed;
  8. MilitarySee blank cartridge. 
  9. Idioms draw a blank:
    • to fail in an attempt;
      be unsuccessful:We've drawn a blank in the investigation.
    • to fail to comprehend or be unable to recollect:He asked me their phone number and I drew a blank.

  1. to cross out or delete, esp. in order to invalidate or void (usually fol. by out):to blank out an entry.
  2. Informal Termsto keep (an opponent) from scoring in a game.
  3. Metallurgyto stamp or punch out of flat stock, as with a die.
  • Gmc; compare Old English blanca white horse, Old High German blanch bright, white
  • Anglo-French, French blanc (adjective, adjectival)
  • Middle English (noun, nominal and adjective, adjectival) 1300–50
blankness, n. 
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged –4. See empty. 
    • 8.See corresponding entry in Unabridged dumfounded, confused, astounded.
    • 9.See corresponding entry in Unabridged pure, simple, unadulterated; perfect, absolute, unqualified.
    • 11.See corresponding entry in Unabridged void, vacancy, emptiness; gap, lacuna, hiatus.





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